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Donald Trump versus Joe Biden: Countdown to the 2020 US election begins


Donald Trump or Joe Biden: The US elects its President on November 3rd. All important results and developments at a glance.

Donald Trump or Joe Biden: The US elects its President on November 3rd.

All important results and developments at a glance.

  • The

    USA *

    choose between

    Donald Trump *


    Joe Biden *

    - who will win the race for the

    White House


  • The outcome of the presidential election * depends on the swing states *.

  • US elections 2020

    *: All the news at a glance.


November 3

, the select





About 239 million people are called to the

US election


The president is not elected directly by the people, but by the

Electoral College

, consisting of voters who are distributed according to population per state.


Republican Party

has nominated incumbent

Donald Trump

again as a candidate.

The scandalous entrepreneur was elected 45th

President of the United States

four years ago

after he surprisingly prevailed against Hillary Clinton and won the important

swing states



Democratic Party


Joe Biden

into the

White House



The 77-year-old was Vice President of the

United States for

eight years under Barack Obama

and is currently ahead in the polls *.


Joe Biden or Donald Trump: The US election decides who will be the next US president.

© Nicolas Bruckmann / ZR-Montage

US election 2020: Donald Trump against Joe Biden - The decision is near

More than 92 million voters have

already cast

their votes in the

US election


In Texas in particular, the rush for

early voting was

huge * - at least 9.67 million people voted before Tuesday, November 3rd.

In the 2016 election year there were less than nine million.

Due to the large number of votes already cast, the usual "exit polls", surveys outside the polling station, could be less precise this year.


is unclear

when the


result of the

US election will be


Depending on the distribution of votes in the important

swing states of

Florida, Pennsylvania, Ohio and Arizona, the outcome could become clear relatively early.

US media are allowed to announce the winner of the election from 5 a.m. (CET) at the earliest.

US election 2020: Donald Trump versus Joe Biden - high turnout in early voting

In the

worst case, the

result of the

US election

could be delayed for weeks, for example if there are problems with the count in the chaotic postal vote * or if the results are contested in court.


US president will

be determined

by December 8th at the latest


Then all states must have named their electorate.

On December 14th, the

Electoral College



and elects the new president and his: n vice.

(with agencies) * is part of the nationwide Ippen editorial network

List of rubric lists: © Nicolas Bruckmann / ZR-Montage

Source: merkur

All news articles on 2020-11-02

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