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| Design today A special project for Women's Day • A chain of designers who illuminate the various areas of design from the prism of handicraft and original creation We chose to mark Women's Day with a chain of designers from various disciplines. How did we create the necklace? They just let it happen by itself. Each designer chose the next designer - 10 designers and one more. The necklace began with my choi

A special project for Women's Day • A chain of designers who illuminate the various areas of design from the prism of handicraft and original creation

We chose to mark Women's Day with a chain of designers from various disciplines.

How did we create the necklace?

They just let it happen by itself.

Each designer chose the next designer - 10 designers and one more.

The necklace began with my choice.

Racheli Sharpstein

Brand Name:


What specializes in:

product design, useful objects from different materials

What it stands for for you and for you:

The studio is a bubble of creation and fulfillment of dreams for me, in which I try to design and produce products that will give another perspective, a respite from the outside world, a nostalgic look at the usefulness of the products.

The product mix:

products for the home and public space, objects that aim to provide a different, humorous point of view and change the space in which it is placed.

Your vision:

to design products that will be used and delighted over time, and give the space in which they are placed - added value.

One thing that is important for you, in particular, to know about your doing:

each project and object is designed and created in the studio out of thought and connection that I want to tell, meaningful to me that everyone will experience their own new story through the product.

Where to get it: In a

studio in Tel Aviv // At the Bar-Gil Foundation Gallery, Ramat Hasharon // Saga Gallery Jaffa

Your team:

My team is

Dafi Rice Doron

, a Bezalel graduate product designer and a master's degree from the

Royal College of Art


We met during a unique project that took place at "Plastic Crown".

In my opinion, Dafi represents the depth and thinking that takes place in the processes of design, precision and material research that is expressed in the final object - the boundary between a product and an artistic object, which brings with it a line to the space in which it is placed.

EVIL EYE The latest project she designed and produced is on display at the Biennale of Design and Art at the Eretz Israel Museum.

Leaves of Rice Doron

Brand Name:

Studio Dafi Reis Doron

What specializes in: a

collection of design products in small series one off a kind, accompanying factories and entrepreneurs in the processes of developing a product collection, from the concept stage to the launch to the market.

What it represents for you and for you:

Design for me is my way of expressing myself in the world, the moments when I develop a new idea, work on balancing shapes or small details are the moments when I am filled with energy and feel connected to myself.

Product mix:

In every project I let an idea or material lead me.

My product collection consists of a mix of different and varied products - from the design of wooden furniture, through plastic tubs to the evil eye look, the common denominator between the products is the innovation I find in every project.

Your vision:

Things that come from the heart go into the heart.

In the process of creation I conduct an in-depth search to find a form or combination that I have not seen anywhere else but my imagination.

The idea always goes through my heart.

I strive to create products that will excite people.

One thing that is important for you, in particular, to know about your doing:

My objects are created through collaboration.

I am always looking for partners who are excited about specifications like me and that through a new design I can help them succeed.

Where to get:

directly from me

Your team:

I chose



first of all because I really like her exact works.

Maya has a winning combination of minimalism and an updated fashion sense.

She accompanies my studio when it comes to graphic designs and over the years we have become companies.

Beyond that, she is a model for me to combine creativity - professionalism and quality of life.

She works with many clients, is very professional and gentle and always finds time to sit back for a cup of coffee and even learn sailing.

Maya Cohen

Brand Name

: Maya Cohen

What specializes:

Graphic design, branding and art direction

What it represents for you and for you


The studio represents for me my personal development, the experience I gain, the changes I go through.

Product mix:

Graphic design services, concept, art direction, research and consulting.

Where to get it:

The studio is located in Beit Romano, Tel Aviv.

Your vision


to persevere, to accumulate significant and present workload, to evolve, to grow and to focus.

One thing that is important for you



, to

know about your doing


there is always music in the background.

(Many times soundtracks of movies or fashion shows)

Your selections


Dor and Ruth

Interior Design.

I accompanied Dor and Ruth at the beginning of their journey, since then I have been watching them grow and develop.

They are for me an example of a strong, sensitive, attentive and professional female friendship and partnership.

Dor Barzilai and Ruth Sikorsky

Brand Name: Dor and Ruth Interior Designers

What specializes in:

Interior design and planning.

We accompany our clients from the planning stage, through project management (there is nothing like construction sites) to design (up to the level of placing the candle in the bathroom)

What it stands for for you and for


: Our brand represents friendship, partnership, female power, aesthetics and a passion for uncompromising professionalism.

Product mix:

Interior planning services for both the private and commercial market

Where to get it:

You can reach us through the website, and through our Instagram and Facebook pages.

Your vision:

We believe in working with people.

Our home is our fortress so our ambition is to make the customers' private environment a personal, functional and pleasant environment that will resonate with our customers within the spaces we create for them, while providing service as we would like to receive.

One thing that is important for you, especially, to know about your doing:

If you get up in the morning, and love your job - then it is no longer a job.

It is a way of life, it is in the heart, and from there we operate.

Your team


Our choice is

Inbar and Sigal Leibowitz.

A pair of designers, a mother and daughter who do an amazing job and show everyone what a feminine, family and professional strength is, and how it can all be done together.

Sigal Peled and Inbar Zehavi

Brand Name: 


Interior Design.

The name SI DESIGN consists of our names Siegel and Inbar, mother and daughter, who share a great love for the field of interior design.

What specializes: in

renovations of houses and apartments, full support of upgrading contractor apartments, commercial planning and design and home styling.

What it represents for you and for you:

  The firm was established out of a shared passion and our great love for the field.

There is an emphasis on the connection created between us and the customers - our paths intersect in a period that can be challenging and intense and our job is to reduce stress and make the process both pleasant and efficient.

We are exposed to new ideas and solutions leading to creative and aesthetic projects.

Where to get it:

You can contact us by email:

Your vision:

Our worldview is professionalism alongside service.

We believe in close and personal accompaniment throughout the project and are always available for advice and information even after the end of the process.

One thing that is important for you, in particular, to know about your doing:

We work collaboratively with the client.

With the desires, dreams and of course the pre-defined budget.

Going with our client and it is his personal taste that creates the style at home.

Your team:


and I (Inbar AS) studied interior design together.

She has a devastating style.

Abramczyk spring

Brand Name:


Maayan Abramchik Interior Design

What specializes:

MA is an interior design studio, specializing in home styling, designing custom and custom spaces for the client.

What it represents for you and for you:

The studio represents the design line that characterizes me, a design with a clean, aesthetic line.

The studio for me is the air for my breath, every client for me is a whole world and a creation in itself.

The product mix

: an in-depth consultation for those who want to carry out the house dressing alone, full accompaniment of projects - interior design, renovations and home styling with full accompaniment to the last detail, photo styling - for interior designers and architects.

Your vision

: to root out the understanding that home design is not a luxury though it is a basic thing for everyone.

Designed personal space affects daily life, mental state, contributes to mood and gives a safe and pleasant feeling


One thing that is important for you, especially, to know about your making:

Every project of mine is a baby for me I start by creating an inspiration board that contains the concept for the space and combines materials, colors, textures and the items themselves.

It is especially important to me to adapt the lifestyle to the space I design, a connection between people and spaces that will buy the sense of belonging.

The phrase that accompanies and identifies with me is Design as a way of life

Where to get it: 

Your team: Meital Ashkenazi Pomeranz.

Meital is a very sensitive and pleasant person.

All the time with a smile on his face.

On the professional side she is very professional, very active.

Among other things, she has podcasts that she uploads with lots of interesting content from the world of design.


 Ashkenazi Pomerantz

Meital Ashkenazi Pomerantz


architect and interior designer, owner of the blog - "Talking to the Walls", and co-moderator with the interior designer Keren Bar Podcast in the field of design - "Sheftel - Coffee and Design".

Graduate of the Faculty of Architecture of Tel Aviv University // Photo: Shiran Carmel

Brand name: The

brand is me - Meital Ashkenazi Pomerantz - architect and interior designer.

The use of my name comes mainly from the desire to emphasize that the product that people pay for, is first and foremost me.

Personal attitude, a big smile and action that stems from love for people and the desire to make their dreams come true.

What specializes in:

I started the business with the birth of my second son in 2017, and the specialization is in ground-level planning and design.

What it stands for for you: The

business for me is the fulfillment of a personal dream - to meet people, to adapt their home like a second skin, to contain them, to embrace them and allow them to live, to mature within it with aesthetics alongside uncompromising practice.

Your vision:

to adapt people to their place, help them raise the threshold of personal happiness.

They will wait to return home, to feel that their bedroom is a hotel, that they can eat, entertain, gather around their favorite people.

One thing that is important for you, in particular, to know about your accomplishments:

 I take advantage of the first meeting with potential clients primarily to learn about the interaction between us, and our ability to win together a complex project like remodeling or building a home.

Your team: Rinat Tal.

I like to combine plants in architecture and interior design and Rinat gives a great answer directly to the client or the architects.

Rinat Tal

Brand Name: Sokolina

What specializes in

: Plant Styling - design spaces with interior vegetation.

What it stands for for you and for you:

Plants are a flexible, available and easy-to-use material to easily bring character into a home.

So once we understand it, it allows us to express ourselves and create for us an aesthetic environment.

So "Sokolina" is for me an opportunity for personal expression, daring, innovation and diversity.

What is the mix of products and services:

Combining interior vegetation in homes and offices, using a number of routes that can suit different needs: from consulting and planning to full implementation, depending on how much the customer wants to implement alone, with me or want to get everything ready.

At the same time I conduct workshops for the general public, groups and companies on growing houseplants successfully.

Where to get it:

On the Sokolina website.

The workshops are currently held online - there are dates and tickets for the general public on my site.

Your vision: to

increase the positive experiences of people growing plants, to encourage play and experimentation with different plants, tools and materials;

And promote a humble, observant and slow approach to design - and to life.

One thing that is important for you, especially, to know about your doing:

To live in a beautiful and cozy home, there is no need to wait to fulfill the dream of a private home designed with the garden.

Home design is available today to anyone, even a rented apartment can become eye-catching using accessible and available design layers, vegetation is one of them.

With very little knowledge - plants can last many years longer than our belongings and move with us from house to house.

Your team:

I chose

Dikla Menachem

because she is one of the talented designers I know, she has a very special touch and she creates spectacular apartments that are happy to live in, and to me it changes lives.

I follow all her works and I was also happy to see some of them from the inside - both before and after the work, and I can testify that the results in reality are even more enlightening than in the pictures. 

Dikla Menachem


Easy Menachem.

Owner and chief designer at "Beast Vintage" Home design and dressing studio, has a degree in restoration and will soon be finishing interior design studies // Photo: Tali Dovrat

Brand Name:

Vintage Animal Studio for home design and dressing.

What she specializes in:

The studio's and mine's specialty is a combination of unique and quality items, in the form of classic and temporary vintage items, to create a harmonious, rich and unique look.

In recent years the studio has also been involved in interior design projects.

What it stands for for you:

My brand is the fulfillment of a dream - to engage in something where my passion is, and the ability to bring to the homes (and lives) of studio clients the color, accuracy, and richness I know is inherent in this world.

The process I go through with each client, the process of finding his taste that will create the home that will reflect him in a way that will be most authentic and inspiring to him, fills me with happiness and interest every time again.

I end up touching people's lives through the design of their homes and with them, and there is nothing enriching about it in my eyes.

The product mix:

Accompanying a full project and a process of a comprehensive one-time consultation meeting that provides a look at the home, the goals and the ways to reach them, a kind of checklist.

Where to get it:

On my website and Instagram page. 

My vision: to

touch as many homes and people as possible and bring to them the vision of the whole house, which invites life, action, stay and relaxation.

A house that characterizes those who live in it and is in dialogue with who and what they are.

One thing that is important for you, especially, to know about your doing:

My doing is in my stomach, also in my heart, both in my head and in my hands.

It is connected to all the centers with me, with the dialogue with the client being the prism through which everything passes.

Your team:

I chose the designer and illustrator

Maya Gur

, whose works I love - precise, quiet but full of color and expression, and like me, she works from the soul and for creation and making, in a pure and powerful way.

Mia Gore

Brand Name:

Maya Gur Studio

What specializes in:

  watercolor illustration, and illustration for the sake of art - sold in my store.

Illustration for customers, children's books, images and logos, book covers and more.

What it represents for you and for you:

 My illustration language focuses on manual language in watercolor and ink, a language of flow and movement, the illustration reveals and reflects my state of mind and hand movement at the moment of work.

I am influenced and inspired by the practice of awareness such as meditation and yoga, I draw a lot of inspiration from Japanese painting.

Product mix:

  Illustration for the sake of art - sold in my store.

Illustration for children's books, images and logos, illustration for book covers, textiles, illustration for websites, games, etc.          

Where to get it

: The brand store on ETSY and at

Your vision:

I create out of love for life out of a desire to illuminate the small moments of happiness and aim to bring into the world of art a work that gives hope and inner connection.

One thing that is important for you, especially, to know about your doing:

I work out of connection and attention to my actions and try to make my small contribution to the world, in a way that empowers and is not harmful to any living creature and environment.

Your team:

I choose

Maya Coproser, a

textile designer and interior designer, and the woman behind the 'Nugili' brand.

Maya is an entrepreneur, founder and designer of the Israeli brand for organic design for children and babies.

A strong woman and mother with a design vision, who brings to the Israeli market fragrances from abroad.

Maya Koproser

Brand Name: Nogili


What she specializes in

: Designing organic cotton textile products for children's and toddlers' rooms, which bring them to life in 3D, using augmented reality technology, so that they become an interactive educational, entertaining and playful experience for the whole family.

What it represents for you and for you:

What we do at Nogili represents for me the connection between the world of design and aesthetics of the everyday environment and the innocent world of children.

In addition, it represents the connection between design nostalgia and environmental responsibility, which very much reflects my language as a designer, and the progress and the future, which allow us the content we create.

And above all, it represents the fact that a fruitful and egoless collaboration between two spouses can create something unique that is greater than the sum of its parts.

Product Mix:

Our magic bedding is the flagship product.

And also tents, bamboo cloth diapers, activity mattresses, pillows and much more on the agenda.

Where to get it:

In the online store:

Your vision:

I see a world where design and content meet precisely.

One that respects the child and his needs as well as those of his parents.

I design for the child, thinking about his imagination and his dreams, for the parent who cares about an aesthetic and unique environment, and for a family that wants to experience special moments together.

I think in today's world every minute we experience a shared experience with our children, and are truly with them, when our mind is not distracted, it is priceless, for us and certainly for them.

One thing that is important for you, especially, to know about your making:

Today, every product that comes to your home is packaged in our intimate studio, under my examining eyes, and my personal eye and footprint is at every stage of the process


Source: israelhayom

All news articles on 2021-03-08

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