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The hypocrisy of the Haaretz newspaper Israel today


The newspaper's commentator Noa Landau referred to the news that Sweden's ambassador is not interested in ties with the Swedish Democrats, noting the neo - Nazi roots of the SD. holocaust

The Haaretz newspaper did not like an article published a few days ago on the "Israel Today" website, in which a controversial statement was reported by the Israeli ambassador to Sweden.

Ambassador Ziv Nevo Coleman declared in an interview with a local newspaper that "we do not and do not want to have any ties with the Swedish Democrats."

Senior SD officials reacted angrily, warning that Israel was losing friends.

As mentioned, Haaretz did not like the report.

The newspaper's commentator, Noa Landau, chose to analyze the knowledge of the routine chronicle and in a response article mentioned the neo - Nazi roots of SD.

"Under the leadership of Benjamin Netanyahu, Israel has cultivated warm ties with far-right parties across Europe ... Where there are international leaders who despise international law and human rights, Israel will flirt with them because it has a vested interest in challenging the liberal order of the common institutions."

Let's start from the end, Israel does have a difficult problem with the "common (international) institutions", but contrary to the author's words, their agenda is not liberal, but tends to be kind to cruel regimes.

From someone for whom human rights are really precious is expected not to fall into this propaganda trap.

Second, Israel's problem with the United Nations, the European Union, the Human Rights Council or the Hague Tribunal does not stem from control of Judea and Samaria, as Landau claims. Of 67 but the "Nakba" of 48. A more significant example - Israel withdrew from the Gaza Strip to the last centimeter, but is still denounced in international forums for defending itself against Hamas aggression, so that the problem is not over. Not to mention that a complete withdrawal from Judea and Samaria , Which the author probably longs for, is a disturbed step in every way.Thank God, the vast majority of Israelis understand this well.

But now to the main, charged and complex question - how should the Jewish state treat problematic parties, in Europe and in general?

There are Jews who have joined these parties, kosher Jews, who do not hide their identities and work with Urban, have supported Stracha or are members of SD.

One can rest assured that they would not do so if it were pro-Nazi elements.

There are, of course, Jews who come out against them in rage.

As for Israel, the required position is not to lock in ways of repentance.

As has been done in the past, a roadmap for hating Jews and racism must be drawn up for interested parties.

After all, our goal is to exterminate and not perpetuate them.

Until the problematic parties get rid of the hatred of the Jews, it is clear that they must be confronted with a wall in the form, but unfortunately, this hatred has been widespread for many years on the world left, no less than on the right.

Maybe more.

Jeremy Corbyn, by all accounts antisemitic, was the leader of the British Labor Party - not a right-wing party known.

The Israeli flag was not set on fire at the Republican Party conference, but at its Democratic rival.

The calls for a boycott of Israel, its erasure from the map, its accusation of apartheid and ethnic cleansing - all of these and more come from around the world left.

Not to mention the collaborations and the silent alliance, between the so-called liberals and the radical and murderous Islam.

"But the democratic Swedes have a Nazi past," the exclamation point will be, rightly so, of course, but if we are talking about the past, the bitter truth is that most of Germany's political system after the Holocaust was like that.

It did not cause us to boycott it, and we even exaggerated with it.

The same goes for Austria, Romania and more.

Speaking of connections to Nazism, it is impossible not to remember the Haaretz group itself, which for many years enjoyed the support of the German concern, Dumont Schauberg, who collaborated with the Nazis and received a Medal of Appreciation from Goebbels.

The same Haaretz also provided an extensive platform for the "Immigrants to Berlin" campaign, the city from which the gates of hell on the Jewish people were opened.

So one is asked to ask when is the pro-Nazi past being attacked, only when it is the domain of political opponents?

Because in the present, not in the past, he heads the Palestinian Authority, denies the Holocaust, in localities under his control, Nazi flags and swastikas regularly fly, somehow, on this sympathy for left-wing Nazism in Israel says nothing.

Neither is Haaretz.

The Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs and its head minister, who are waging a bitter war against those European right-wing parties that support Israel, are also silent in the face of the Nazi signs among the Palestinians - are these your Nazis?

Source: israelhayom

All news articles on 2021-11-06

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