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Not without Moses Israel today


Gd left no room in the Passover Haggadah for the greatest Jew of all • There are those who have found a bypassing and worthy way

Medieval Europe

was the heyday of the Saints.

Monastic orders boasted rusty nails that pierced the body of Messiah, and traded in pieces of wood from the Holy Cross.

Jean Calvin, the father of Calvinism, then stated that in view of the sheer number of churches claiming to hold pieces of wood from the cross, it was enough wood to build a medium-sized nave.

In "Decameron" Boccaccio tells of a monk named Chipula, who sold a feather from the wings of the angel Gabriel, who fell into the room of the Virgin Mary at the time of the Divine Conception.

But no nail, no piece of cloth from his clothes, or a dry thorn from the crown of thorns that was on Jesus' head, matched the uncompromising pursuit of the Holy Grail of the remnant - his foreskin.

According to their belief, Jesus was not buried anywhere, but ascended to heaven completely.

Towards the fifth century AD, however, the belief arose that Jesus had indeed left something physical in the world - his foreskin.

At Christmas 800, Pope Leo III crowned Charlemagne the Roman emperor, and in return received from him as a gift the foreskin, which Carl claimed to have received from an angel.

This claim was confirmed at the end of the 14th century, when St. Brigitte of Sweden saw in her vision the Virgin, who confirmed that the foreskin and umbilical cord in the Vatican were original.

At that time, there were 18 different places in the Christian world - churches, monasteries, etc. - that strongly claimed that they held the foreskin.

At the end of the 17th century, the Vatican's librarian, Leo the Altius, wrote in Latin the essay "Discussion of the Foreskin of Our Lord Jesus Messiah."

In his article, the learned librarian argued that Jesus' foreskin became rings around the planet Saturn, as Jesus entered heaven.


In 1900, the Vatican issued an injunction prohibiting the foreskin, which included expulsion from the church.

In 1954 the expected punishment was aggravated, and the day of Jesus' circumcision was removed from the Catholic calendar.

In 1960 it was decided to change the name of the day to "Eight Days'".

You must admit, as Jews of our time, that the Christian preoccupation with the foreskin of a Jewish guy from 2000 years ago is quite amusing.

In real time, Jews were less amused.

At the height of the Christian worship of the foreskin, Jews were massacred on the Crusades.

Judaism, by contrast, opposes grave-style fulfillment.

Death is unclean.

Although today - as in the past, by the way - there is no shortage of prostrators on graves, but no one holds a hair from King David's mustache.

Not for nothing, the burial place of Moshe Rabbeinu is unknown.

And behold, we come from foreskin to Passover.

Where did Moshe go from the Haggadah?

How is it possible that the main protagonist of the plot, the man who bravely stood before the king of Egypt and demanded "Send my people", was simply erased from the story of the Haggadah except for one sentence, in the words of the Galilean rabbi, "

To be honest,

the Passover Haggadah is boring.

It does not resemble the Bible in any way. It has no ancient glory, but a bureaucratic story about matzah and nutricons of beatings at sea. This is not an overwhelming and moving essay on freedom. Why? Because it is not necessary. , Followed by destruction, bondage, liberty and redemption.

And the German-Jewish (converted) poet Heinrich Heine has already stated: "Since the Exodus, freedom has spoken with a Hebrew accent."

Because the story of the Exodus inspired Oliver Cromwell, the leader of Parliament in the English Civil War;

To the fathers of the American nation, in the Civil War;

And to the black slaves of the fathers of the American nation, who sought to be freed from the yoke of slavery.

And only one person is absent from the party in order - Moshe Rabbeinu.

Passover is celebrated from the days of the First Temple until the destruction of the Second Temple, according to the rules in the Bible: offering a sacrifice and reading the story of the Exodus, including the part of Moses.

After the destruction of the Second Temple and the abolition of the "Passover Sacrifice", the journey to write the "Passover Haggadah" began, which was finally formed in the fourth century AD, in the fourth and fifth generations of the Amoraim.

Given the fact that Moses' place was known and central, a sufficiently important reason was required to weed him out of the story in which he served as a central hero.

And here the foreskin of Christ returns to the picture.

During this period, the Christian propaganda that positioned Jesus as a central divine figure increased, as a result of the spread of the Christian faith.

The Jews, a nation plagued by severe revolts, face a "sister" religion, Christianity, which is being revitalized.

The Jewish struggle in Christianity included the introduction of the blessing of the "species" into the Eighteenth Prayer, and the removal of the Ten Commandments from the prayers.

Christians also adopted Passover and its customs, out of admiration for Moses as a forerunner of Jesus.

The emerging Haggadah cancels the story of "Moses the Apostle," which corresponds to "Jesus the Son of God" among Christians.

We Jews have no trinity, and there is only one player - God.

The death of Moses

as one man, easy and material whose burial place is unknown, is connected with his removal from the Haggadah.

Moses has no signs of divinity, and he is not exalted to the "throne of glory" like Jesus.

It is complete and unfinished, because this week I read an article by Prof. Yosef Shitrit, and discovered that the Jews of Morocco (and Jews from western Algeria in the areas near Morocco) open the Passover Seder to this day in a short text in Jewish Arabic, centered on the figure of Moses.

They say the text in the "arrow" before the reading of the Haggadah.

"Thus God crossed the sea for our fathers in twelve ways, when the children of Israel came out of Egypt by our Rabbi and prophet Moses son of Amram, peace be upon him; He saved them and saved them from hard work for rest, and slavery to freedom. In the same way, he will gather our communities to his destroyed sanctuary, and save our captives from this exile for the sake of his great and holy name. "

The text on Moshe Rabbeinu was formulated in the late 13th or early 14th century, when the Jewish communities in North Africa and Andalusia were allowed to return to Judaism, after more than 120 years in which Jews were forced to live as rapists, under the Al-Muwahidun dynasty. To live as Jews).

In the Epistle of Destruction, Maimonides, who himself escaped from the rape regime of al-Mawahidun, allowed the utterance of the "Shahada," a statement of Islamic faith, in cases of mental supervision. In order to restore Jewish life and the Jewish consciousness, it was necessary to forget the image of the Prophet of Islam and to place against it a central Jewish figure that would overshadow it. Indeed, Maimonides establishes Moshe as one of the 13 tenets of the Jewish faith.

In short, this year I suggest we all be Moroccans, and add Moshe Rabbeinu to the Haggadah. 

Were we wrong?


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Source: israelhayom

All news articles on 2022-04-14

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