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 Arresting a person who forged copies of police officers in Aleppo


Aleppo, SANA- The Criminal Security Branch in Aleppo arrested a person who forged copies of police records and confiscated more than 500 copies


The Criminal Security Branch in Aleppo arrested a person who forged copies of police documents and confiscated more than 500 copies of police documents.

The Ministry of the Interior stated in a statement, a copy of which SANA received today, that based on the information received by the Criminal Security Branch in Aleppo, that there is a person who forged copies of police records, and through continuous follow-up and monitoring, it was revealed that the person called (Zakaria A.) forged copies of police records that include birth facts. And death cases were arrested and brought to the branch center.

The Ministry added: By investigating the arrested, he admitted that he had forged copies of police records of births and deaths in exchange for material benefit, and to give these documents to hidden persons who asked him for them, and they submitted them as evidence to the relevant official departments, and by investigating his house, tools he used in forgery operations and more than 500 copies were found in him. Set forged and stamped with a forged seal and signature were confiscated.

The ministry indicated that the necessary arrest has been organized and the arrested person will be brought to the competent judiciary, indicating that research is still underway on the hidden persons who dealt with him.

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Source: sena

All news articles on 2023-01-26

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