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Cristina and The Mummy


Highlights: Cristina Eterna is an upside-down Eva Perón. Massa needs her. Grabois needs her, the Peronism that degrades her in off, kneels before her as before the Virgin Mary. Cristina is loved and hated by many, but for almost no one she is indifferent. Argentina is not accustomed to its decadence, because we do not believe in eternity. We do not realize that Argentina does not mourn it, but requires it to praise it or defend it.

The strange validity of the vice president as a sign of political necrology. The submission of Peronism, Massa included, and the veil that hides its decline.

We are at the very edge of the border, of the uncertain limit, of the confines. We are in the customs process that goes from one country to another. There are elections and one political scene seems to dissipate while a different one is incubated, because everything changes.

However, there is a ghost of flesh and blood that seems perpetual: Cristina.

It is always departing but remaining.

We have to ask, ask ourselves, for the reasons for this presence suddenly in the foreground and a posteriori behind the scenes or vice versa.

Where does its power lie?

It still claims, it still claims, effective electoral firepower.

But if it retains political capital, why does it retain it?

There is a figure from ancient Egypt that becomes a metaphor, and sometimes a political metaphor: the mummy.

There is a mummification, a political embalming of Cristina.

It's an upside-down Eva Perón. Eva embalmed after her death.

Cristina, on the other hand, remains in political conservation as if she were immortal.

And that would indicate a certain state of general social mummification.

The preservation of the political fabric around Cristina seems like a necrosis that blocks all renewal.

It is true that she is no longer what she was, but Peronism continues to submit to her.

And Massa? Probably too.

The mummy is alive. Massa needs it. Grabois needs her, the Peronism that degrades her in off, kneels before her as before the Virgin.

The political necrology, allow me the neologism, would be the study of those protagonists of the public scene, who even having completed a cycle, remain in force. Like Tutankhamun always resurrected, as an analogical allusion to the most remote past, although petrified.


Nefertiti was the royal wife of Akhenaten. She was very beautiful in her youth. Akhenaten, "the radiance of the sun" – as they called it – was finally eclipsed by Queen Nefertiti who survived him and who illuminates the pantheon of Ancient Egypt.

Christina-Nefertiti is also Christina-Cleopatra.

In fact, she proclaimed herself an "Egyptian architect", and in 2008, after meeting with Hosni Mubarak, then president of Egypt, she promised that she would bring the mummy of Tutankhamun to Argentina.

They are metaphorical figures of necropolitics.

Cristina's dynamic mummification is paradoxical. He remains motionless as in an altar for his subjects, but moves the politics of his own always turned into puppets. She continues to be the great decision-maker of Peronism.

In fact, she herself was the subject of a project devised by her parishioners: Cristina Eterna.

Where does its power lie?

There is a strange and insidious submission to Cristina.

Her obedient ones do not depend on what she did wrong.

Their convictions and pending trials, nor their political mistakes, nor their electoral defeats matter. There is a point where he does not lose.

There is something that is in tune with society, bad that it weighs on us.

She is loved and hated by many, but for almost no one she is indifferent.

Argentina anoints her on its altars to bless her or to curse her.

Like Eve, although they were very different of course. Eva Perón did not sink her hands into corruption.

There is no possible comparison although there is at some point.

Dear and detested.

But no, Cristina is not Eva for multiple reasons besides the literal ones, because Eva Perón reached a mythological height, populated by both praise and disqualifications. But, as María Elena Walsh wrote, "He twisted the Riachuelo to Plaza de Mayo," at least rhetorically.

Christina produces "idolatry" for convenience.

Cristina is still useful to those seeking power within Peronist pragmatism.

Massa, at least for now, does not part with it. On the contrary.

She, like Nefertiti, did not live in the shadow of her deceased husband.

He survives it with his own light.

And it exists, even mummified, because Argentina does not mourn it, but requires it, to praise it or to defend it.

Because society is not yet accustomed to its decadence, because we do not believe in its decadence, although it really descends to the depths of the pyramids, with that illusion of eternity. We do not yet realize thatmummies are sometimes fakes, or lost illusions for those who have venerated them.

If all the mystical veils that cover the mummy do not fall and dismiss it in its remarkable decline, we will never cross the border.

Source: clarin

All news articles on 2023-07-22

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