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"We are in a war for home, and we will win": President Herzog addresses the nation | Israel Hayom


Highlights: "We are in a war for home, and we will win": President Herzog addresses the nation. "We have all seen our enemies attacking with inhuman cruelty – the elderly, women, families, babies"; In kibbutzim, moshavim, cities and towns" "We all mourn and mourn "for the unknown Ziv and the greed for heroism and the sanctity of will and martyrdom of those who perished in the heavy campaign," he said. "The events of these days are part of a multifaceted and large-scale war"

In his remarks, the president said, among other things: "We have all seen our enemies attacking with inhuman cruelty – the elderly, women, families, babies; From every background, from every creed; In kibbutzim, moshavim, cities and towns" • "These are your enemies Israel – and we will overcome them, with the strength of the Israel Defense Forces and our security forces and the strength of our spirit"

Israel at war: Israeli President Isaac Herzog delivered a speech to the nation on Sunday evening in the shadow of the difficult war in the south of the country.

Herzog said: "My Israeli sisters and brothers. I turn to you today in the midst of a fierce war declared upon us by a cruel enemy. I turn to you when IDF forces are fighting on a broad front, when many of us are under fire and in uncertainty, when our dead are laid before us, and when the emergency, medical and rescue forces are making tremendous efforts to save lives, and various bodies are working to reflect to us – reliably and accurately – the picture of the battle, the casualties and the missing.

"These moments are unbearable. We all mourn and mourn "for the unknown Ziv and the greed for heroism and the sanctity of will and martyrdom of those who perished in the heavy campaign." We have all seen our enemies attacking with inhuman cruelty – the elderly, women, families, babies; From every background, from every creed; In kibbutzim, moshavim, cities and towns.

"Human animals, yes—monstrous human animals, who make no distinction between blood and blood; who slaughter and captivate toddlers and old women; Who embark on a killing spree aimed at innocent young people at a party, whose only sin is being Israelis who wanted to rejoice, who wanted to celebrate.

"These are your enemies Israel – and we will overcome them, with the strength of the Israel Defense Forces and our security forces and the strength of our spirit. As has already been said: 'This is the choice of our lives – to be ready and armed, strong and rigid; Or let the sword drop from our fist – and our lives will be cut off.'

* Border Police undercover officers rescue civilians in an exchange of fire in which terrorists are eliminated // Police Spokesperson's Office

"This abomination, which began in the midst of Shabbat and holidays while crossing the border, and continued with attacking the plow line, is an unspeakable sin. A sin led not only by a murderous terrorist organization but by an evil axis based in Iran and whose proxies repeatedly work to undermine us; Our spirit, our sovereignty, who we are as a people and as a state. My brothers and sisters: We are in a war for our home. And we will win!

"Our country has been struggling since the dawn of its existence for the very fact of life, for the very right to be a free people in our land. And in the face of every misfortune and enemy, time after time, we discover our resilience and our unbreakable spirit, overcome like an Aryan, find strength of soul, rise from the depths of grief and grief, and charge. Overwhelm the enemy and strike him to death. They make it clear that we are here forever. On our land. In our country. They are winning, and building more and more floors, instead of those that were destroyed.

"The events of these days are part of a multifaceted and large-scale war. Such a war does not end in the blink of an eye. Such a war also has psychological characteristics that I wish to emphasize to you. Our enemies are now making enormous psychological efforts, through cyberattacks and the distribution of false films and reports, in order to instill fear and anxiety in our hearts. They estimate that this is what will weaken us. They are wrong! There is an indisputable fact here – once again, the State of Israel will win. We have no other choice.

IDF Chief of Staff assessing the situation in the Southern Command // IDF Spokesperson

"Dear and beloved citizens of Israel, I know how difficult it is. I know how painful it is. But the Israeli spirit has always prevailed and will win this time too. A few hours ago, I visited wounded people and their families and saw the greatness of the Israeli soul there. I saw, and believe me when I say this: Our enemies were bitterly wrong in estimating the strength of the Israeli spirit. Because even in the midst of the piercing pain, you can see the Israeli force in full force. Thanks to dedication and responsibility. Thanks to the spirit of volunteerism and the amazing mutual responsibility that we see from all sides. Thanks to the support of Diaspora Jewry and our friends around the world. Thanks to the Israeli hidden light that burst forth here at once and proved what a wonderful and wonderful people we have. Thanks to the security, emergency and rescue forces, both regular and reserve. Remarkable civilians and fighters, from all over Israeli society, who with more than 100 percent stabilization – put all differences aside, and in imaginary heroic actions with real determination, rose "without Matthew and without Anne and how much" and set out to defend their home.

"I ask – let's preserve this spirit of heroism and this togetherness. This is our most powerful weapon. We will act responsibly. We will refrain from disseminating unfounded videos and rumors that serve the enemy's cognitive war; strictly follow the instructions of the Home Front Command; And remember – our journey to victory passes only with determination, only with faith in the righteousness of the path, only together, as one man with one heart. Let us be under no illusions – difficult days lie ahead. It is time to unite against the enemy – unite – and act as a determined fist. This is the order of the day, and it is an emergency order – Israeli unity. Both in the people, and in the Knesset and in an emergency government.

The second day of the attack on the Gaza Strip: the extent of the horror in the street is exposed // Credit: Shmuel Buchris

"I ask, on behalf of the entire nation: to send condolences to the bereaved families; strengthen our forces on the ground and the families who care; Pray for the healing of the wounded in body and soul; To strengthen, embrace and assist all lovers who are now in uncertainty about their loved ones and are going through indescribable suffering. We are all with them, and we will continue to work with all our might to dispel doubts and bring their loved ones home.

"I will conclude with a prayer for security and peace – for us and for all of Israel." Strengthen the hands of the defenders of our holy land, and bequeath to them our God salvation and a crown of victory shall be adorned, and you will give peace in the land and eternal joy to its inhabitants."

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Source: israelhayom

All news articles on 2023-10-08

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