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Opinion | The hourglass works to our detriment | Israel Hayom


Highlights: Israel is not an empire that can besiege a city or a settlement area for an indefinite period. We can already see the hourglass at work. Any hesitation leads to additional stress. Israel is gradually turning the settlements into diplomatic Disneyland. The best explanation for the severity of the crime against the Jewish people and the Yishuv in Israel is Israel's response. Israel must be a military attack on the ground aimed at destroying Hamas, as recommended by General Petraeus and 7.5 million other Jewish and non-Jewish Israeli citizens.

It seems that the reserve recruits have reached the stage of beginning the erosion of motivation • Any hesitation leads to additional pressure • Now they say that the Americans have not yet prepared, then we will hear that they are waiting for the truck of the Shakam • It is impossible to avoid this difficult and decisive role that history has placed on the shoulders of Prime Minister Netanyahu

Here it begins. First humanitarian supplies, and now the European agenda is starting to move towards a "humanitarian ceasefire." All the pilgrims and huggers, from Biden to Macron, want only one thing: Don't fight. You will cause World War III.

The job of a leader now is to stick to the task decided upon by the government and lead there. That means ordering the IDF to continue its air offensive through a decisive ground operation.

Shahar Yurman

The supreme need to operate from the ground, while occupying and mopping up as the forces trained, is a military need. The daily output of fire from the air and of the limited ground inflows is unknown. The IDF surely knows. But there is no doubt that this is not enough to achieve the goal of destroying Hamas' military and governmental capabilities.

Hamas operatives, photo by Majdi Fathi/TPS

Israel is not an empire that can besiege a city or a settlement area for an indefinite period. We can already see the hourglass at work. Any hesitation leads to additional stress. Now they say that the Americans have not yet prepared, and then we will hear that they are waiting for the Shakam truck.

We normalized genocide

It seems that the reserve recruits have reached the stage of beginning the erosion of motivation. Decline in morale as a result of distrust of the military and political echelons. Soon Israel will reach the stage defined by Moshe Dayan on the eve of the Six-Day War: Either we go to war, or we release the reserves.

IDF forces near the Gaza border, photo: AFP

But there is a national historical necessity that has a moral dimension. Anyone who has been to the south, in the western Negev communities that suffered the massacre attack by Hamas on 7 October, knows that in addition to the killing sites, a horrific phenomenon is being created; This is a model of small genocide that the Muslims have shown us.

"We will restore everything." Kibbutz Kfar Aza after the battle, this week, photo: Oren Ben Hakon

In the meantime, we have normalized this event. The remains of the pool of blood in the kindergarten in Bari. The shouting on the smartphones of representatives of the government apparatus transporting journalists and functionaries from abroad through the death chambers. Israel is gradually turning the settlements into diplomatic Disneyland.

We need to put an end to it. The best explanation for the severity of the crime against the Jewish people and the Yishuv in Israel is Israel's response, which must be a military attack on the ground aimed at destroying Hamas, as recommended by General Petraeus and 7.5 million other Jewish and non-Jewish Israeli citizens.

Prime Minister Netanyahu, Defense Minister Galant and IDF Chief of Staff Herzi Halevi, Photo: Ariel Hermony, Ministry of Defense

It is impossible to avoid this difficult and decisive role that history has placed on the shoulders of Prime Minister Netanyahu. Thus, Israel finds itself convoluted in negotiations by international forces with Hamas over its head. The Americans and Europeans haggle with the perpetrators of mass murder.

The other moral argument is the renewal of the people's trust in the IDF. There must be no feeling that the political echelon does not trust the IDF's ability to remove the threat. And after the events of October 7, the people who mobilized en masse want to see the IDF in action, not just "fire from the air."

IDF bombings in Gaza. Iron Swords War, Photo: AP

So the question is only the timing of the decision process on the ground. There is willingness and motivation above and beyond; They are backed by the great confidence of the soldiers and commanders in their abilities. Battalion and brigade commanders fear only one thing: that they will not be first, but will keep them as a reserve or as a second wave.

In order to elaborate on the capillaries of the past, although the IDF already has a name for the ground operation, it is hereby proposed to call the operation that continues Iron Swords "Knights of the Heart 2", part two of the successful offensive in 1973.

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Source: israelhayom

All news articles on 2023-10-25

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