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Opinion | The Genesis War | Israel Hayom


Highlights: The elimination of Hamas, therefore, is the loss of evil from the world. This is a moral obligation, as humanity had vis-à-vis Nazi Germany or ISIS gangs. The world has lost its common sense of morality after many years of policing language and thought through political correctness – we must stick to the mission and restore the first value: preserving our lives. The Messiah in the Bible is anointed with oil for political or religious office. Christianity is the aspiration for a better world, in which there will be no wars and a wolf lives with a sheep.

The great event that we are just beginning requires rethinking our basic assumptions and, if necessary, starting from the beginning our relationship to war, to Christianity, to political connections, and especially to trying to find reasons for evil

1. Elimination of chametz.

The current war is not only being waged against brutal criminals who have lost their right to life; We are fighting against the existence of evil in the world. Whoever pierces the belly of a pregnant woman with a knife and cuts off the head of the fetus inside it must be burned from the world. A society in which a creature grew up calling his mother in Gaza using the phone he stole from a Jewish woman he murdered, and proudly saying, "I killed ten Jews with my own hands," and she congratulates him, is complicit in the genocide, and must be fought as well. An entire container is filled with dead Jewish babies, some of them with severed heads or limbs - the work of Hamas' "heroes." There is no possibility in any world that such a society will continue to exist on our border.

The elimination of Hamas, therefore, is the loss of evil from the world. This is a moral obligation, as humanity had vis-à-vis Nazi Germany or ISIS gangs. The world has lost its common sense of morality after many years of policing language and thought through political correctness – we must stick to the mission and restore the first value: preserving our lives. Gaza must be destroyed, along with the tens of thousands of new Nazis in it. Because from Zion this Torah will come out into the world.

2. Messiah and war.

Don't be afraid of Christianity. The Messiah in the Bible is anointed with oil for political or religious office. Christianity is the aspiration for a better world, in which there will be no wars and a wolf lives with a sheep: "They shall not graze or corrupt on any holy mountain, for the earth is full of knowledge of God, like water to a covering sea." Our sages taught that the difference between their time (under foreign rule) and the days of the Messiah is "subjugation of kingdoms," i.e., political independence.

Prime Minister Meloni, at this time you can do something historic that will resonate around the world: recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, and announce the transfer of the Italian embassy to the capital of Israel. It will correct a moral injustice, and clarify where the world's support for its moral war against evil lies

This is how Rabbi Kook began his essay "Lights of War", written during World War I: "When there is a great war in the world, the power of the Messiah awakens. The time of the nightingale has come, the nightingale (cutting) tyrants, the wicked are extinct from the world, and the world is perfumed, and the voice of the queue is heard in our land... And then, with the orange of war, the world is renewed with a new spirit and the feet of Christ are revealed to the most." Indeed, towards the end of the war, the Balfour Declaration was published, after which the heads of the victorious powers gathered in San Remo on the Italian Riviera and granted Britain the Mandate for the Land of Israel, in order to realize the Balfour Declaration regarding the establishment of a national home for the Jewish people there.

3. There is no reason for gas chambers.

We will talk about advocacy. We don't need to apologize anymore. The main argument: We will not allow anyone in the world to harm Jews. Point. Without "but" and without trying to find the reason for the "rage" of the offenders. It is forbidden to participate in this sickening game, in which one tries to understand the evil. This category falls into UN Secretary-General António Guterres' outrageous statement that the massacre carried out by Hamas "did not take place in a vacuum," but was connected to the "occupation." Undoubtedly.

IDF Spokesperson

Guterres felt moral in his ability to understand "both sides": the Jewish state and Nazi Germany. Those who look for reasons for the psychopathology of the Gazans are similar to those who look for reasons for the killing of Jews in the gas chambers. After October 7, the game was over. Anyone who harms Jews or Israelis is doomed to pass away. A society that murdered 1,400 Israelis and holds hundreds of abductees is not entitled to humanitarian aid, not even food and water. No help. It must be besieged until it releases them.

This is not Israel's war, but the war of the entire free world, and Israel is the front post defending it. We do not ask for permission to exist, and we certainly do not seek legitimacy to defend ourselves. The statement by leaders who identify with us that they support "Israel's right to exist" and "its right to defend itself" should be greeted with a forgiving nod, not a grateful one. This means that they have not internalized that this war is not only ours, but also theirs! A leader who wishes to identify himself would be grateful if he spoke out against absolute evil, supported our war against the new Nazis and took it upon himself to act in a similar manner.

4. The answer: recognition of Jerusalem.

During the solidarity visit of Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, I would tell her: "Madam Prime Minister, Italy will not help us with weapons or the army, but at this hour you can do something historic that will resonate around the world, precisely because of the role of the Roman Empire in the history of the Land of Israel: recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, and announce the transfer of the Italian embassy from Tel Aviv to the capital of Israel. It will be correcting a moral injustice and encouraging the spirit of our people in times of need." Such an action would clarify where the world's support for its moral war against evil lies, and Israel's central importance as the front post in this struggle. In April 1920, at the San Remo Conference in Italy, the Balfour Declaration was enshrined in international law; Now we must come full circle: strengthening Jerusalem's status as Israel's historic capital – a fitting response to the attempted genocide against the Jews.

5. New political essays.

The perception of partisanship is also about to change: few talk about a Palestinian state seriously. The complete withdrawal from the Gaza Strip, the uprooting of Jewish settlements and the transfer of graves from the site, taught us that where there are no Jews, their murderers will prosper.

No sane person would agree to allow a society that normalizes the genocide perpetrated by Hamas and the residents of Gaza against the Jews to establish an independent political entity on the mountain, which will control the large population centers in Israel. In such a case, we will receive in Judea and Samaria "Gaza times a hundred," God forbid. In light of the horrors that have taken place, and in light of the threats in the north, it is clear that this may be our lot in the heart of the country. The Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria are the military and moral security belt of the center of the country. Without them, what happened in Kfar Gaza could happen, God forbid, in Kfar Saba. Therefore, we can think of new political connections instead of the traditional right and left.

6. Lot is kidnapped and Abraham fights.

This war of Genesis began with the beginning of the reading of our people's basic book, Beresheet. If the portions of Genesis and Noah are "prehistory," in Lech Lech we enter history: Abraham is commanded to go from his land and his homeland and from his father's house to the land that God will show him. At some point, war breaks out between kings to the north and local kings in Canaan, and Lot, his nephew, is kidnapped and captured with his family. When Abraham learns of this, he does not hesitate and sends the people of his household to war: "And he and his servants will divide over them to-night, and they will persecute them to the point of duty, which is to the left of Damascus. And he settled all the procurement, and also the lot of his brothers, and his purchases he returned, as well as the women and the people." The act of the fathers signified to the sons.

Then there is the story of a "covenant between the lines", in which the historiosophical formula of exile and redemption appears, including the promise that the exile will not be final, "and the fourth generation will return here" - at the end of the journey we will return home. We will always return, even if European or Middle Eastern Nazis fight the historic process of the Jews' return to Zion. At the end of Abraham's vision of the future of the nation he founded, we are assured: "On that day the Lord made Abram a covenant to say, 'To your seed I gave the land...'" The world will hear.

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Source: israelhayom

All news articles on 2023-10-26

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