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Following the exposure of Israel Hayom: The right demands that the army clarify that there is a decrease in "settler violence" | Israel Hayom


Highlights: Police data revealed this morning show a decline of about 50% in the phenomenon, despite the fact that the army showed an increase after counting incidents that were not properly investigated. MK Ariel Kellner: "I will demand to examine how the serious error occurred in the IDF" Prime Minister of Mateh Binyamin Israel Gantz: "The lie promoted by left-wing organizations together with pro-Palestinian organizations has been exposed –'settler violence' is fake" Efrat Local Council head Oded Revivi demanded that the OC Central Command and the Judea and Samaria District commander stand in front of the cameras and present the truth.

Police data revealed this morning show a decline of about 50% in the phenomenon, despite the fact that the army showed an increase after counting incidents that were not properly investigated • Kellner: "I will demand to examine how the serious error occurred in the IDF"

Correct the fake: The right and the settlements in Judea and Samaria are demanding that the IDF and the Israel Police stand in front of the cameras and say clearly and unequivocally that there is a 50% drop in so-called "settler violence," following the disclosure of the data Tuesday morning in Israel Hayom.

This comes after the army recently reported that there is an increase in settler violence, and Central Command Chief Yehuda Fuchs even presented data at a cabinet meeting as if there is a spike in the phenomenon. However, the Judea and Samaria District police were outraged by the remarks and by the fact that they were not invited to a cabinet meeting, even though they are in charge of handling such incidents.

Clashes between settlers and Palestinians near Sawiya village | Arab networks

Minister Orit Struk said in response to the publication: "The 'settler violence' campaign - the truth is exposed! Thank you to Ariel Kahane for a clear picture that casts a huge question mark on a campaign that is all about defamation. Cabinet members, take responsibility, don't leave decisions to others.The restraining orders should be received by the anarchists who set the area on fire, not by the 'settlers.'"

Efrat Local Council head Oded Revivi said that he demanded that the OC Central Command and the Judea and Samaria District commander stand in front of the cameras and present the truth in English and Hebrew in order to clear the name of the settlements and the settlers and sterilize the hate campaign. "Both in Israel and overseas, the truth must be heard unequivocally – there is no immigration, there was no aliyah, and the best members of the settlements are at this time shoulder to shoulder with their brothers in platoons and companies in the alleys of Gaza and in the trenches on the Lebanese border."

"The best members of the settlements are at this time shoulder to shoulder with their brothers in platoons and companies." Oded Revivi, Photo: Oren Ben Hakon

MK Ariel Kellner (Likud): "To this it is said: 'A lie can make its way around half the world, while the truth has not yet finished tying its shoelaces' (Mark Twain). I will demand to examine how the serious error occurred in the IDF, which, apart from the injustice against the amazing population of the residents of Judea and Samaria, harms Israel politically and fuels the delegitimization campaign."

Prime Minister of Mateh Binyamin Israel Gantz: "The lie promoted by left-wing organizations together with pro-Palestinian organizations has been exposed – 'settler violence' is fake. We know this truth because we are on the ground and know exactly what is happening here. The security forces also know this very well – not violence, not a phenomenon, not bears and not a forest. There is violence here by one side that shoots, plants IEDs, throws stones and Molotov cocktails every day.

"Hostile organizations that want to promote a policy of weakening the settlements and blackening the settlers, and promoting the establishment of a Palestinian state in the heart of the country, are trying to influence international public opinion and also in Israel in order to put pressure on the State of Israel and tarnish us. They operate with huge funding. But they will not succeed. Because a lie has no legs and is exposed. I demand that elected officials condemn this and condemn it."

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Source: israelhayom

All news articles on 2023-12-26

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