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Coronavirus in Argentina: one of the "close contacts" of the second patient is isolated in a sanatorium


This is a person who "has symptoms", reported on Friday morning from the Ministry of Health of the Nation.

03/06/2020 - 11:09

  • Clarí
  • Society

The Ministry of Health of the Nation reported in a statement that one of the people who made close contact with the second case of confirmed coronavirus in the country has symptoms . "He has already been contacted and is in isolation in a health facility, while the analyzes are being carried out," they said from Salud.

The second coronavirus patient registered in Argentina is a 23-year-old boy who had arrived from Italy on Sunday - an important focus of the virus's circulation - and who is now hospitalized, taking the virus, at the Otamendi Sanatorium.

In the last hours it transpired that, after a meeting linked to this issue at the Casa Rosada - in which health authorities would participate -, a press conference will be held this Friday at noon, but until now Clarín could not confirm whether it will be announced the "state of the matter" known so far or if a third case of infection will be announced .

Hand washing with dedicated and recurring soap and water is key to preventing the spread of coronavirus (AFP).

The statement issued from the national Health portfolio also speaks of the other “close contacts” that the young man from Italy maintained: “The health authorities of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires are carrying out the epidemiological investigation of the second imported case confirmed , in order to detect close contacts so that they comply with home isolation with daily monitoring established by protocol ”.

As for the first Argentine with positive COVID-19, the report states that “the close contacts of the first confirmed case were identified and contacted by the authorities of the jurisdiction to comply with the home insulation and to be monitored daily for detection early in case of symptoms ”. He adds that, fortunately, although one of the eleven close contacts in follow-up had respiratory symptoms, he was diagnosed with influenza, that is, influenza.

It should be noted that the general condition of the two patients with coronavirus "is good," confirmed from Health, and emphasized: "To date, Argentina does not record local transmission of the new SARS-Cov-2 coronavirus . The country is on high alert to sensitize epidemiological surveillance and the integrated response. "

While from the Buenos Aires area it was recommended to the inhabitants of the City to call the number 107 in case of having symptoms or any suspicion linked to the coronavirus. In the same vein, the authorities of the Ministry of Health of the Nation indicated to the population “to make an immediate medical consultation in which travel history is referred, and avoid social contact”, provided there is “fever and respiratory symptoms such as cough , sore throat, trouble breathing. ”

It should be remembered that the contagion of coronavirus can occur, in the first place, by the drops of saliva that the sick patient expels when coughing and sneezing, for which it is recommended to take distance from possible patients and that those who have fever and flu symptoms sneeze and they cough over the elbow fold and do not go to enclosed spaces with people.

Secondly, the contagion can be given by the contact of the hands with the surfaces contaminated with the virus . It is recommended, then, to wash your hands frequently with soap and water, and if you do not have that option, with gel alcohol with no less than 60% alcohol. Hand washing should be recurring in the day, and not less than 20 seconds at a time.


Source: clarin

All life articles on 2020-03-06

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