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Coronavirus: the "slow decline" is confirmed in France


The number of hospitalizations and resuscitations has been slightly decreasing for several days. Several doctors are reasonably optimized

Although the Covid-19 epidemic remains at a very high level, the Ministry of Health adopts a slightly more optimistic tone. In a press release published this Saturday at 7 p.m., the Directorate General of Health (DGS) even uses the term "slow decline" to describe the evolution of the curves of the disease. “All together, we are curbing viral spread. Let us not let up on our efforts when the confinement is bearing fruit, ”one can read.

In fact, some indicators are starting to be a little more reassuring. The number of people hospitalized is down 551 from the previous day. And above all, the trend is the same in intensive care, with 194 fewer people, a constant "which has been observed for ten days", underlines the ministry.

Despite the height of the “plateau” of the epidemic, several professionals foresee better days. Professor Jean-Daniel Lelièvre, head of the infectious diseases department at Henri-Mondor hospital, notes that “things are much better today than a week ago. I spoke with different heads of departments. While eight days ago, we no longer had a bed available to care for people with Covid, we found room for maneuver, proof that the pressure is much less. ”

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For his part, Professor François Bricaire, former head of the infectious diseases department at Pitié-Salpêtrière, believes that “a turning point has been reached. Having ten consecutive days of decline in resuscitation is very significant. Of course, we can still have oscillation phenomena, with occasional lifts, but I believe that a milestone has been passed, with us as with our Italian neighbors. We are focusing on serious cases, this is normal, but remember that fortunately, a very large majority of people come out cured. ”

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Professionals remain cautious, however. “The very high mortality figures in nursing homes show that unfortunately many elderly people do not arrive in hospital in time to be saved. It is imperative that in the next phase of deconfinement, which is necessary now, more masks are distributed to them, but also to a large part of the population, to avoid contamination ”, concludes Professor Lelièvre.

Source: leparis

All life articles on 2020-04-18

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