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Injury to Rai New Year's Eve director, operated in Crotone - Last hour


Highlights: Injury to Rai New Year's Eve director, operated in Crotone. Mignucci, during the rehearsals of a ballet last night, fell from the stage and fractured his femur. After the fall, the director was immediately rescued and taken to the hospital in Cro Tone where the fracture was recomposed. Sergio Colabona was called to take care of the direction of the Rai New year's Eve in place of the injured director, Stefano Mignuccio. The news was given by Marcello Ciannamea, director of Prime Time Entertainment at Rai, during a press conference.

Injury for Stefano Mignucci, director of 'L'anno che verrà', the Rai New Year's Eve that will be broadcast tomorrow evening from Crotone. Mignucci, during the rehearsal of a ballet last night, fell from the stage and fractured a femur. (ANSA)

Injury for Stefano Mignucci, director of 'L'anno che verrà', the Rai New Year's Eve that will be broadcast tomorrow evening from Crotone. Mignucci, during the rehearsals of a ballet last night, fell from the stage and fractured his femur. The news was given by Marcello Ciannamea, director of Prime Time Entertainment at Rai, during the press conference with Amadeus.
Mignucci, the Rai executive reported, was operated on this morning by orthopedists at the 'San Giovanni di Dio' hospital in Crotone. "The operation," said Ciannamea, who thanked the local health authorities, "went well." After the fall, the director was immediately rescued and taken to the hospital in Crotone where the fracture was recomposed. In place of Mignucci, Sergio Colabona was called to take care of the direction of the Rai New Year's Eve.

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Source: ansa

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