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The regeneration accelerator Israel today


We were looking for an objective way to rate the extensive activity of urban renewal projects promoted in Israel. Through the Governmental Authority for Urban Renewal, we located the cities that put these projects at the top of their priorities. Get to know the municipal administrations that pull the strings and stand behind 600 leading projects. From the planning stage to implementation

The intensive work of the administrations for urban renewal sometimes remains behind the scenes, but the results on the ground speak for themselves.

The administrations have been operating for the past five years under the joint management of the Governmental Authority for Urban Renewal and the municipalities, when just this year six new administrations were established, and dedicated project managers for urban renewal were appointed in local authorities outside the central area such as Banof Galil, Nahariya and Yokneam.

The operation of all the administrations is done with an annual budget of approximately NIS 80 million, and they are partners in the promotion of approximately 600 regeneration projects throughout the country, from the planning stage to implementation.

Hagai Toledano, Director of the Community Relations Division at the Governmental Authority for Urban Renewal, says that, "an examination we carried out showed us numerically the power of the administrations in the field, when compared to the three years preceding the establishment of the administration in a given local authority, the number of housing units in urban renewal that were promoted tripled with The establishment of the administration".

The CEO of the Governmental Authority for Urban Renewal, Elazar Bamberger, points out that, "In recent years, the administrations for urban renewal have led a profound process and a significant change in the way evacuation-construction projects are promoted in Israeli cities, and they constitute a unique model of cooperation between the central government, through the Governmental Authority for Renewal municipal, and the local authorities".

An example of a city that does not have an administration today because it has completed its goals is the municipality of Kiryat Ono, a pioneer in the field of urban renewal.

According to Israel Gal, Mayor of Kiryat Ono, where the first urban renewal project in Israel began: According to Israel Gal, Mayor of Kiryat Ono, where the first urban renewal project in Israel began:

"In Kiryat Ono, we saw before our eyes the real danger - how to save lives. We did not look at the hole of a divorced man who benefits from this, we did not wait for help from the state, but initiated the processes ourselves while writing a clear policy for urban renewal on every issue, to Tama 38/1 38/2 and evacuation-construction. The goal I set for our city is that within 5 years from today over 95% of the houses will be protected and reinforced against earthquakes."

The leading administrations told us more about their work, and shared with us the information that tenants most want to know:

A box from the administrations to the tenant public:

1. It is important to sign documents with developers only after consulting with the municipal administration.

2. It is recommended to contact the administration for information about tenants' rights as soon as a developer enters the complex where you live.

3. Recognize your power: the power of the residents as a group is great, and the administrations, with the backing of the government authority for urban renewal and the municipalities, are here to help you.

Jerusalem - San Martin, photo: Hammiya Yigal Levi Architects

Urban renewal in Jerusalem /

about 50,000 units in the process of eviction

and construction

Without us noticing, Jerusalem has become the capital of urban renewal.

It ranks first in the Renewal Administration of the Governmental Authority for Urban Renewal, with approximately 145 urban renewal projects being promoted in the capital today to the extent of approximately 50,000 units that are undergoing eviction procedures.

A model for success according to the

government administration

The San Martin 23-25 ​​plan is the first to reach the implementation stage in the Katamoun neighborhood.

 The plan included the demolition of 34 units and the construction of 122 units in two buildings.

In this program, the Urban Renewal Administration initiated and led the organization of the apartment owners in the complex, assisted them in choosing a representative and in choosing a lawyer and accompanied them until the holding of a tender to select a developer.

This is an example of an initiative whose two partners, the administration as the organizer of the apartment owners, and the developer - the Africa Israel Urban Renewal Company, managed to put the plan into action in record time from the day the plan was received by the planning institutions.

The disturbing question in Jerusalem

"An entrepreneur asks me to sign a document, what should I do?"


"Make sure before you sign that a tenant representative is chosen from among the apartment owners, and an attorney is chosen to represent you."

Lod, Photo: Imaging HQ Architects

Urban renewal in Lod/

scope of over 25 thousand units

13 different programs are promoted in the old urban structure of the city of Lod, in the scope of over 25 thousand housing units.

As of today, approximately 18,000 units are validly approved and by 2024 a plan for the remainder of the construction will be completed with a total of approximately 25,000 units.

A model for success according to the government administration

A subsidy from the state enables the progress of urban renewal projects in areas where there is no economic feasibility.

Until now, in order to lead projects in the periphery, the state acted mainly by granting building rights at very high multipliers, but these created great burdens on the infrastructure in the neighborhood.

The state even tried to promote land exchanges in demand areas, but without much success.

Recently, the Rothstein company won a tender to clear a building in the Shlomo Hamelech complex in the city for the construction of about 354 units and about 1,200 square meters of commercial space instead of about 124 existing units.

The Urban Renewal Authority will provide a grant of approximately NIS 41 million to bring the project to fruition.

The disturbing question in Lod

"When will we move to the new house?"


  Because these are complex and long processes, tenants have difficulty waiting.

The administration supports the process through plans for the interim period such as cultivating yards in shared buildings and returning electricity to the stairwell with the aim of improving the quality of life in the short term."

Urban renewal in Bat Yam /

over 20,000 units

According to the outline plan of the Bat Yam municipality, within about two decades, about 20,000 more housing units will be added to the city, most of them through urban renewal projects.

The Urban Renewal Administration is currently promoting planning for five projects.

Only this, in the city there are over 40 approved plans for evacuation and construction, about 80 plans in various stages of planning and 7 complexes under construction.

This is alongside hundreds of TAMA 38 projects.

Bat Yam, photo: Laren Mabel Architects

A model for success according to the government administration

The "Sperber-Anne Frank" project is located at the southern entrance of Bat Yam on HaKommiam Street, within which 328 units will be demolished and 1,420 new units will be built on an area of ​​42 dunams.

Also, as part of the project, commercial and employment areas will also be developed for the benefit of improving the urban economy.

This is a project in which the administration works together with the residents of the complex with close accompaniment and information.

The disturbing question in Bat Yam

"How long will it take?"


  "The main factor that will decide is processes with the apartment owners. Promoting the consent of the tenants will significantly shorten the procedures, in preparation for the implementation."

Holon, Photo: Visualization A Studio and Architecture Studio Mia.

Urban renewal in Holon /

gradual addition of up to 60,000


At the end of 2021, the Tel Aviv District Planning and Construction Committee decided to deposit a comprehensive plan for urban renewal in Holon.

The program is promoted by the municipality of Holon and applies to approximately 7,000 dunams in the old areas of the city.

The plan allows for a gradual addition of between 34,000 and 60,000 housing units.

Throughout the years of its activity, the Administration for Urban Renewal in Holon accompanies and promotes dozens of projects for detailed planning with entrepreneurs.

Only in the west of the city were three urban renewal projects promoted.

In 2022, 5 claims were approved by the local committee and 6 projects were actually entrusted.

A model for success according to the government administration

In the quarry complex in Tel Givorim, the Urban Renewal Administration promoted planning, social organization and accompanied the residents of the complex in choosing a lawyer, a construction inspector, an appraiser and going to tender for developers with the largest and leading companies in Israel. , commercial areas, public buildings and open public areas.

The disturbing question in Holon

  "How can the administration help us?"


  "The administration gives many lectures throughout the year, accompanies dozens of delegations and above all provides tools and professional knowledge for residents to use in order to understand and act as knowledgeable."

Urban renewal in Netanya /

15,000 housing units in the city center

The city of Netanya, 90 years old and a bit, is undergoing extensive regeneration processes.

Dozens of complexes and projects, along with thousands of housing units, are being promoted in three foci of urban renewal: the city center and the old north of the city, the Kiryat Nordau neighborhood in the south of the city, and the Neat Shaked and Ramat Yedin neighborhoods in the south.

A potential addition of 15,000 housing units is planned in the city center.

As of today, building permits have been issued for 8 projects (including 38 buildings) and work has begun, within which 2,035 housing units will be built.

Another 8 projects (including 62 buildings) were approved by the local committee and are being promoted for building permits, within which 2,680 housing units will be built.

4 additional projects (which include 25 buildings) have been approved by the local deposit committee and are being promoted for objection hearings, within which 1,357 housing units are expected to be built.

Also, for 16 additional projects, statutory documents were submitted and advanced for discussion in the local committee, and approximately 100 additional projects are advanced in the planning stages.

A model for success according to the

government administration

The Raziel project - a project that was advanced at record speed.

The plan was approved to take effect in January 2023 and immediately after that a request was submitted for an information file in order to issue a building permit.

An inspection by 'Real Estate Today' reveals that according to the plan promoted by the 'Middle Builders' company, the company will set up a demolition-construction project on the site in a complex that stretches over about 3.4 dunams where there are two old terraced buildings that include 34 existing housing units.

As part of the plan, the old buildings will be demolished and two new 17-story residential buildings will be built that will include a total of 132 housing units.

Mayor Miriam Fierberg defined urban renewal as a flagship project, so that every engineering manager is recruited to promote evacuation-construction plans in their various stages.

"Netanya has great potential for urban renewal, that's why we put urban renewal at the top of our priorities.

All departments of the municipality are mobilized for the rapid and efficient promotion of the renewal.

Beyond renewing the old texture in the neighborhoods, I see urban renewal as an opportunity to raise the quality of life for the residents."

The troubling question in Netanya

"developers or attorneys contacted us and asked us to sign, is our building intended for construction evacuation?"


"The Administration of Urban Renewal in Netanya has prepared a detailed policy, within which the old city center is divided into 120 complexes and for each complex a card of guidelines for urban renewal is written.

Netanya, photo: Gal Or Fishbein Architects

All the tickets are published on the municipality's website and we recommend that every resident take a look at them and see what can be promoted in his building."

Urban renewal in Haifa /

about 80 thousand housing units are planned

25 projects in execution processes, have been approved or are in approval procedures.

In addition, 5 more huge neighborhood plans for urban renewal, 4 new neighborhood plans and about 100 other planning proposals that are on the table.

In total, the plans include about 80,000 new housing units.

Haifa, photo: Totem Imaging

A model for success according to the government administration

"It's a difficult question - since they were all my sons!", said the Urban Renewal Administration, "but if you have to choose - they are especially proud of the "King Ametsia" project in Neve David.

This is a project we have been working on for years, in a former rehabilitation neighborhood, an old neighborhood with amazing potential on the sea.

We reversed the previous equation according to which Carmel is the most attractive for development and we began to initiate, thanks to the project, a process of renewal in the coastal neighborhoods, thus doing historical justice to these neighborhoods.

Thanks to the cooperation of the municipality with the residents and with the government authority - Neve David and the coastal neighborhoods will be Haifa's Riviera." The

disturbing question in Haifa

is "When will this happen?"


"The process of urban renewal is a long-distance run and requires heart and lung endurance and a lot of cooperation between residents and the authority and the entrepreneur and between the residents themselves, and above all faith and patience."

Urban renewal in Or Yehuda /

14 thousand housing units in the potential

Or Yehuda's Urban Renewal Administration is a veteran administration that has been operating for six and a half years.

The administration is promoting about 14,000 housing units in potential in 15 projects at different stages, starting with projects in the initial planning stages and ending with approved projects.

Or Yehuda, photo: 3Division imaging

The Mayor of Or Yehuda, Liat Shohat: "Already in the first stages of planning, it was clear to me that in order for projects in the city to reach the hoped-for end, the old tenants must play an important part. When I meet the developers, I tell them in the clearest way: 'As soon as the project is completed, you will go Your way, while we stay with the tenants and deal with the problems that remain in the area.' Any need that is not promoted already in the planning phase will become a problem at the end of the road, and I want to prevent that from the beginning."

A model for success according to the government administration

The evacuation-construction project of the Halanit complex, of the entrepreneurial group Yuval.

656 new units will be built with an investment of approximately NIS 800 million. The project was initiated in a fast-track procedure in the Tel Aviv District, and is the first project to be implemented in Or Yehuda.

The administration is also proud of it due to the active involvement of a representative of residents who promoted and pushed the project on the part of the apartment owners.

The disturbing question in Or Yehuda

Among the questions asked by the administration: 'Should I renovate the apartment?'

And 'will there be a project in a few years?'.


"Such projects take many years to come to fruition, it requires patience and long-suffering, but it pays off."

Urban renewal in Ashkelon/

40 complexes in the city

During the "Wall Guard" operation, the city of Ashkelon found itself to be the most ranged city after more than 900 rockets were fired in its direction, and several dozen buildings in the city even received direct hits.

Ashkelon, photo: Depositphotos

The Administration for Urban Renewal in the city, in cooperation with the Municipality of Ashkelon and the residents, are making great efforts to promote the issue of urban renewal in expedited and orderly processes in order to guarantee the residents plans with high chances of realization that will eventually lead to the renewal and protection of the existing apartments.

40 urban renewal complexes are being promoted throughout the city, with 31 of them designated for evacuation-construction and the remainder designated for building renewal through strengthening and densification or demolition and rebuilding.

A model for success according to the government administration

The Ehud-Tahitah complex in the southeast of the city.

A complex promoted as part of an authorities route by the municipality and the administration.

This is the first IBA approved in the city for eviction-construction, which includes the eviction of 116 existing units and the construction of 1035 units below them.

Mayor of Ashkelon, Tomer Glam: "The field of urban renewal is an economic lever, but more importantly - it is a lever for social justice and justice Migoni, and we have a duty to do with its residents in the old neighborhoods of the city.'

The disturbing question in Ashkelon

"I was signed 5 years ago and I still don't see any progress on the ground, nor do I know which developer I signed with. Is it possible to check what is happening with my building?"


"The administration is a public body and does not sign tenants on contracts. If you have signed with a developer, please contact him and ask to accept the agreement. When the tenant encounters difficulties with the developer in accepting the agreement, we intervene and contact the developer on behalf of the tenant. At the same time, we will inform the resident about the planning procedure and the ongoing social procedure At that time in his building. We usually know the developer active in the building and we connect him and the tenant."

Urban renewal in Kfar Saba /

Dozens of demolition-construction projects

Kfar Saba, photo: Damiya Korin Architects

The transformation is tremendous: before the establishment of the administration in Kfar Saba there was one regeneration complex.

Currently, about 25 complexes are being promoted in Kfar Saba in evacuation-construction projects in addition to dozens of buildings undergoing building renewal (strengthening and renewal of existing buildings).

A model for success according to the government administration

Renewal of the Yoseftal neighborhood: 930 existing apartments will constitute the complete renewal of an entire neighborhood led by the municipality with the Israel Land Authority.

The administration accompanied the residents to elect representatives from each of the 41 buildings in the neighborhood, during public participation meetings, meetings to exercise rights and support for the elderly and public housing residents, while providing training courses to the residents.

The disturbing question in Kfar Saba

"Is TMA 38 over?"


"Kfar Saba is promoting a plan for building renewal, comprehensive and detailed, funded by the Governmental Authority for Urban Renewal, which will replace TMA 38."

Renewal in the miracle of Ziona/

10 projects of evacuation and construction

The administration promotes 10 projects in different tracks and scopes, an entrepreneur track, an authorities track, private initiatives and those promoted in collaboration with government companies.

A model for success according to the government administration

The pilots complex - thanks to the rate of progress and speed within it, the local administration was able to harness all the factors with the planning teams.

From a social point of view, the project is special because it was initiated by the residents thanks to their association to choose the developer and the planning team.

An investigation by 'Real Estate Today' shows that the pilot complex in the city, initiated by the local authority and the administration and in cooperation with the real estate company "Hasharet Hashav", is spread over a total area of ​​approximately 16.5 dunams, and is located in the old area of ​​the northwest of the city, between the Pilot and Histadrut streets and north of Quail Park. The complex includes the construction of 387 housing units, which will be built in 9 buildings of 9-14 floors.

Nes Ziona, photo: imaging evolve media

Another large project is to be launched in the Histadrut-Pilots complex at the initiative of the "Aura" group in an area of ​​31 dunams.

The plan which received the approval of the city council includes the construction of 14 buildings that will include 700 units.

This is one of the largest projects of 'Aora' in the field of urban renewal.

Among other things, a green park, public buildings, kindergartens, playgrounds and community fitness facilities will be built.

All of these in the heart of the city of Nes Ziona and near the shopping centers, cultural buildings and the leading educational institutions in the city.

The disturbing question in Ness Ziona

"Small apartments, when?"


"Many young couples are interested in living in the city and cannot find small apartments at an affordable price, so there is a lot of interest regarding the expected completion of the projects and the pace of their progress."

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Source: israelhayom

All news articles on 2023-02-22

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