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Opinion Hvara, doku war | Israel today


A minute and a half after the shooting, Havara Council published on its official Facebook the photo of the Yaniv brothers' punctured car, with the caption "Broken car for sale" and a laughing smiley

Hvara, not a particularly pastoral village, was on the "top of our happiness" this week.

This cursed village, from which the murderer of the brothers Yigal and Hillel Yaniv, the late, came, is a village that is known for its hostility and terrorism from today. And the truth is, it seems that the discourse here has gotten a little confused. It seems that we have forgotten cause and effect, and it seems that we have ignored the full picture.

Moments after the shooting, the murder, they celebrated there in the village, taking pictures of the bleeding bodies in the car, laughing and mocking, dancing on the blood - literally.

"We found out that it was Beagle and Hillel because a Palestinian approached to film the resuscitation of Beagle, like this, without censorship," the brothers' cousin wrote this week.

A minute and a half after the shooting, Havara Council posted on its official Facebook page a photo of the brothers' destroyed and punctured vehicle, with the mocking caption "Broken car for sale for travel" and a laughing smiley.

Two moments after the shooting, pictures and cartoons were already running on all social networks with pictures of the bodies of the murdered, without censorship and with a lot of joy.

This lust for murder and blood of the people of Hawara is not a momentary episode.

In the last week before the murderous attack there were at least 12 stone attacks, one of which injured a mother and her small children.

In the last two months, there have been dozens of hundreds of stone attacks, shootings and burning tires.

All this - in a strip of 2.5 km in total.

Last November, an official ceremony was held at the school in the village with the photos of the terrorists from the attacks in Bnei Brak and Tel Aviv, alongside other mass murderers, and in the kindergartens they teach in light of the figures of "martyrs", prisoners and terrorists.

This is what is happening there, in the village of Havara in Samaria.

The dozens of stone attacks and shootings did not wake us up, and the slope, as we know, is very slippery.

The cowardly policy that the State of Israel exhibits towards the "light" terrorists, those who throw stones at children's buses and families' cars, is a policy that will end in disaster.

Accompanied by the crazy incitement on the Arab social networks, these stones soon turned into a deadly shooting that ended in an unbearable tragedy.

But when did the public shock arise?

Not from the dozens of attacks, not from the pictures of the bleeding children, not from the sheer evil, not even from the murder.

The media and public shock came precisely from the reaction of the Jewish residents of the area that night, when they went on a "retaliatory action" and burned cars and houses in the village.

And here is the place to say in an unambiguous way: the Jewish riot that took place in Hvara this week is an obscene thing, something that should not be done.

The exercise of power in the Jewish state should be done by the army and the police, not by citizens who take the law into their own hands.

This, exactly this, is the sure recipe for anarchy.

But between unequivocal condemnation of a riot and what happened here this week - there is a long distance.

Campaigns by left-wing associations under the title "Heart with Havara", a mass campaign by a leftist activist who raised more than a million shekels for Havara, shocked articles that declare that "since the attack on Havara I have trouble sleeping" and that "the ground is shaking under my feet" - are a complete loss of Moral direction, loss of distinction between good and bad.

Let you know: the beaten Jews in Samaria exploded this week, but the inscription was written on a bloody wall.

A record of dozens of attacks that the residents of the area suffered, wiped the blood, repaired the windshield - and moved on, in life itself.

And this is the message to the Israeli government, the right-wing government: wherever there is no state, there will be anarchy.

This is not a threat, this is the call of reality, and if you will - a plea of ​​a particularly concerned citizen.

This was also the case in the May 2021 riots, when citizens were forced to fulfill the role of the police and protect their brothers, and this was also unacceptably the case this week in Hawara.

Wherever there is no state, there will be anarchy.

were we wrong

We will fix it!

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Source: israelhayom

All news articles on 2023-03-02

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