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Opinion | Once again the UN is exposed in its nakedness | Israel Hayom


Highlights: Yochi Lifshitz, an 85-year-old woman who returned from hell, cannot stand judgment. But the incident is indicative of the nature of communication, says Moshe Ben Simhon. The Islamo-Nazi massacre in the western Negev is the collapse of the spiritual-ideological world of some of the residents of those kibbutzim that were the target of the massacre. Some of them are more mentally prepared to deal with it, and some are less.

For years, Israel has been at the center of condemnation by the United Nations • It seems that if it had existed during World War II, even Hitler would have been invited to a peace conference under his auspices

Back to positions

The words of Lifshitz, an 85-year-old woman who returned from hell, cannot stand judgment. But the incident is indicative of the nature of communication, with each reporter squeezing out a sentence that suits him

In every respect, the Islamo-Nazi massacre in the western Negev, including Hashomer Hatzair's Kibbutz Nir Oz, is the collapse of the spiritual-ideological world of some of the residents of those kibbutzim that were the target of the massacre. Some of them are more mentally prepared to deal with it, and some are less. You can't judge them. My friend Nir Oz told me, and like Yochi Lifshitz he actually violated the kibbutz secretariat's order not to talk to journalists, that on the short route to the rescue vehicle from the farm he managed to see the death pavements and the burning rooms. A whole world of beliefs in heaven on earth made by us has crumbled. There is reason to think that these beliefs gave rise to blinding and blinding innocence, just as the military-security-political world collapsed in the ISIS attack.

From the very beginning, it was known that veteran journalist Oded Lifshitz was among the abductees. There was a big question mark about Yochi and she was considered missing until her smartphone was found inside Gaza. And that doesn't say much about her fate either. The event of Tuesday evening's press conference in Ichilov is not her problem, and it is not a screw-up. It is an exploitative event, centered on the hospital, which was mobilized for the benefit of organizations that are trying to "hijack" the issue of the abductees from the government and Gal Hirsch.

Yocheved Lifshitz, released from Hamas captivity, speaks for the first time | Moshe Ben Simhon

Yochi Lifshitz and what she said cannot be judged, even if, God forbid, she harmed any information campaign. She has just returned from hell, an 85-year-old woman, and this is, of course, a testament to the nature of the media and the organizers of the media event, in which every reporter tries to extort from the released abductee the sentence that suits him. Gal Hirsch became a target for attack and assassination by a certain media wing.

The return to pre-October 7 positions is evidence of the cultural and mental corruption of important parts of Israeli society. The fact that Oded in his work as a journalist had left-left views, though not "far left," doesn't matter to me in the slightest. In his years as a journalist, especially at Al HaMishmar, I think he was one of the best.

About a year and a half ago, I spoke with him as part of an article about politics and voting patterns in kibbutzim. "The population has changed," he told me. "There is no more monolithism. There is still more Meretz in Kibbutz Artzi, but it is a far cry from what it used to be, when everyone was a member of Hashomer Hatzair. Very few talk politics.

Nir Oz once went to war against the expulsion of the Bedouins in Fatah Rafah (in the 70s, and Lifshitz was the journalist who reported the most and most accurately on what he saw in front of his eyes). We were the first kibbutz to board buses and sit opposite the government offices in the Rose Garden," he recalls of the 1982 Shalag War. "During the Shalag War, the entire kibbutz was on the bus demonstrating against the government. We were followed by left-wing organizations."

Lifshitz is a typical figure of the left of the 80s. He participated in the Shalag War as a fighter in the paratroopers. When he returned home, he would protest against the war, and later covered the war as a journalist. "I entered the Sabra and Shatila camps with Latif Dori three days after the massacre. I didn't speak, and Latif, with his perfect Arabic, said we were Saudi journalists. The bodies have already been evacuated, but still - body parts throughout the camp. I have pictures I took which is atrocity to see. As in the Holocaust. It's not nice."
Although "it was very difficult for me that Meretz and Labor paid the price of partnership with the right," he liked the Bennett-Lapid government. We have to pray that he will come back and quickly.

Cold War on Turbo

It is Russia that stands at the top of the countries and alliances of the axis of proxis and terrorism. It's worse than the communist era

American aircraft carriers on the east coast of the Mediterranean; threats of deterrence against Iran and its partners in the terrorist axis of evil; A network of guerrilla and terrorist organizations. In the background is Russia. Not "red", but bloody red and nationalist.

Russian experts might say it's a throwback to the 60s and 70s at the height of the Cold War, but today it can be argued to be worse than the Cold War, because communication with Soviet rule during Khrushchev and Brezhnev was normal, and sometimes good. But for that you need a Kissinger with a spirit of self-sacrifice, which allows him to kiss Brezhnev on the mouth. There was always reliable communication, and there were negotiations and reaching agreements following crises.

Since the Biden administration came to power in the US, there has been no communication with Putin's Russia, and if it exists, it is not credible, and without many rules of the game. It is Russia that stands at the forefront of the countries and alliances of the axis of proxis and terrorism. It's worse than the communist era. The alliance formed between Russia and Iran, and Russia's closer ties with both Hezbollah and Hamas, was slowly built until it matured. Volodymyr Zelensky said following October 7 that the Russians had an interest in war breaking out in the Middle East. This interest was defined by Hamas leaders, who made two high-level visits to Moscow – in September 2022, and a little more than six months later, in March of this year.

Russian President Putin, Photo: GettyImages

After meetings with senior Russian Foreign Ministry officials, including Lavrov, Hamas leaders assessed that the Ukraine war had ended the era of the unipolar world under American administration and the multipolar era had begun. Among Moscow's guests were Saleh Arouri, Ismail Haniyeh and other senior figures such as Musa Abu Marzouq. The Russians do not regard Hamas as a terrorist organization, and they are in constant contact with the Islamo-Nazi organization.

The explanation for Russia's interest, according to senior Hamas figures, is that the tension in "Palestine" is hindering the ability of the United States to divert resources to dealing with its main competitor, China, and the entire Far Eastern bloc. The Americans made catastrophic mistakes in their policy of containment and rapprochement with Iran, and in the absence of any proactive political action to prevent the Ukraine war.

At the same time, the Biden administration has been delegitimizing the State of Israel over the past year. Now that there are two catastrophic conflagrations in the world, the United States is backing Israel. It can be assumed that such close ties between Russia and Hamas also involve intelligence assistance, as was the case in the past with USSR-PLO relations. The common characteristic of Russian and Hamas war doctrine is the extensive use of psychological warfare, deception, deception, deception, and the ability to intervene within target companies in order to sow division and hatred within them. The information was published by MEMRI and, as in many cases in the past, did not receive the attention of the media or intelligence agencies.

Indeed, not in a vacuum

The statistics on the UN's anti-Israel obsessions and the cult of Palestinianism speak for themselves. So the Hamas massacre did grow in a certain context, as the secretary-general said

If the UN had existed during World War II, the world would not have defeated the Nazis. Who knows, maybe Hitler would have participated in a peace conference. That's one assumption. A second assumption is that Hamas, as a genocidal organization, was born, prospered and matured out of the "human rights" ecosystem – see the Durban conference, which took place just before the September 11 attacks, 22 years ago.

The world has not freed itself from the seeds of communism and Nazism. Yad Vashem has been refusing for years to make a small jesta that would clearly show that the roots of the Palestinian national movement in its modern format can be traced back to the days of Nazism. This is not a curiosity – the picture of the Mufti Hajj Amin al-Husseini and Adolf Hitler, and the understandings they reached between them.

But the one who controlled its views and perceptions of the UN was the communist Soviet Union. In the end, Gilad Erdan and Eli Cohen's answer to UN Secretary General António Guterres had to be an indictment sheet against the UN, as an incubator that provides protection and an appropriate temperature to murderous organizations in order for them to gain support and legitimacy – and on the other hand, the UN is the most efficient and active assembly line since World War II for anti-Semitism and anti-Israelism. The statistics on the UN's anti-Israel obsessions, and on the other hand the cult of Palestinianism, speak for themselves. The UN has become a kind of extraterritorial Palestinian state, an empire of propaganda. So yes. The Hamas massacre grew in context, as Guterres said, but the clear context is that the UN, beyond its anti-Semitic assembly line, has also been a factory for Yasser Arafatis, from the 50s to the present.

It was there that Ahmed Shukeiri raised the slogan that Israel is an apartheid state in the early 60s, even before '67. Another poison capsule that dripped in the Soviet Union in the 60s and spread to the entire network of arteries of cultural centers, education and left-wing organizations.

The United Nations, as the obstetrician of a genocide organization, is Lenin's legacy, after all. It was the communist parties and their successors, left-wing organizations and "human rights," that created the ideological fifth column within the democratic world. Therefore, a Jewish friend circulating in academic circles in the United States could have reported two years ago, during the days of the Guardian of the Walls, hatred directed against him as an Israeli and as a Jew. In recent years, this is something more than just evil – it is demonic evil.

Between October and October

With all the criticism of his arrogance, Eli Zeira eventually assumed clear intelligence about the enemy, even if he adhered to an erroneous assessment. This time even that didn't happen

"A terrible thing stands out in this country: both partisanship and disorganization. Great indignation and hopelessness. Each man blames his friend, each feels himself innocent and hates the other... It is thought that external factors influence our poor state. This is false. Internal decay is the main cause, and if our inner state were more robust and healthy, our outward stance would also be different. We are a very sick people..."

This was written in her diary by Hannah Senesh in September 1941. A 20-year-old woman, about a year and a half in Israel after immigrating to Israel from Hungary, she already recognizes the internal political rot, and her words read as if they were written today.

The destruction at Kibbutz Be'eri, photo: Reuters

The same partisanship, and the same legend of a knife in the back against Prime Minister Netanyahu, raise doubts about the ability of Israeli society to investigate the truth of the causes of the double collapse of the IDF and other security agencies on 7 October.

Many ask whether today's intelligence failure can at least be compared to the intelligence failure of October 1973. Here, in fact, there was complete surprise and complete blindness in the face of open information that could have been used to build a picture of Hamas. It is still unknown what we knew in '73, what intelligence information reached the head of Military Intelligence.

It is known that there was a complete surprise. Prime Minister Golda Meir said in her first public televised speech on the day the Yom Kippur War broke out: "We were not surprised."

What did she mean? We can start with the fact that, compared to Major General Aharon Haliwa, it will be possible to award the Israel Prize to Eli Zeira on the next Independence Day. Zeira, with all his criticism and manipulation, and perhaps arrogance, eventually placed clear, factual and detailed intelligence information about the enemy on the desk of Golda, Moshe Dayan and IDF Chief of Staff David Elazar. The captains were aligned with Military Intelligence regarding the warning information. Zeira is persecuted for the fact that at the end of his assessments, he always remarked that he did not believe it was a war. There are dozens and dozens of warning reports, there are unequivocal indications, and the leaders are required to decide whether they are "in favor" of the warning information or in favor of the head of Military Intelligence, who says at the end of his assessments: war is unlikely.

In the omission of October 7th there was nothing like it. There was an overall perception that Maj. Gen. Haliva Peres gave in an interview conducted with him by Boaz Ganor at Reichman University more than a year ago. He spoke about Hamas' desire for governance, about the 20,<> Gazan workers we bring into Israel through the Erez crossing to improve the economic situation, and about the deterrence achieved by Operation Guardian of the Walls. He estimated that the deterrent stock is for five years.

Haliwa's problem is that he, as head of the operations division before becoming head of Military Intelligence, was invested in the inclusive and economic policy towards Hamas, a policy that included rounds of deterrence such as Guardian of the Walls and rounds devoted exclusively to Islamic Jihad, because Jihad is an Iranian arm. And what is Hamas? As an intelligence evaluator, any information he received apparently received the color of the policy he shared. Unfortunately, Netanyahu made a poor appointment of Tzachi Hanegbi as head of the National Security Council, and he was unable to develop an independent view on the issue.

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Source: israelhayom

All news articles on 2023-10-26

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