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Opinion | The political map must change fundamentally - this is the key to the day after | Israel Hayom


Highlights: In the coming weeks, the stage of clarification and internal decision regarding the new path of the State of Israel will begin to materialize. It was precisely the coalition, which purported to be the most right-wing in the history of the state that inflicted the terrible disaster. The formal investigation of the October 7 apocalypse should be delayed, so as not to harm the fighting determination of the military echelon. But we will have to do the moral-political calculus, writes Israel Hayom's Aryeh Deri.

In the coming weeks, the stage of clarification and internal decision regarding the new path of the State of Israel will begin to materialize • It was precisely the coalition, which purported to be the most right-wing in the history of the state that inflicted the terrible disaster • The formal investigation of the October 7 apocalypse will have to be delayed, but the moral-political calculation will have to be conducted

The issue of the day after is already constantly popping up in the public debate, not to mention the American stirring, which insists on once again plunging us into the bloody trap of the Palestinian Authority.

Many ideas are on the table, although it is clear to most Israelis what must not happen again in Gaza and in the north: everything that has been there since we "disengaged" from Gaza and "deterred" Hezbollah. But the clarification and decision regarding the future format will take place only when we digest the moral-political earthquake that has befallen us for about a month. And in order for us to have the tools for this, the political map must fundamentally change. This is the key to the day after.

On the face of it, everything is simple - it has been proven how right the ideological path of the so-called right is, when it comes to who the enemy is, what his goals are, and how objects of life must behave. It is clear that the path of the so-called "peace camp" – the center-left – has failed completely and tragically.

Dreams of flowers proved to be life-threatening hallucinations, conceptions of "disengagement," protection and containment, turned out to be detached and destructive. Most importantly, many have internalized how much they have deceived themselves about the character and intentions of most, not all, of the Arabs around us.

But the great paradox and pain stem from the fact that the one who brought about the terrible disaster was actually the coalition, which purported to be the most right-wing in the history of the country.

The reason is known: she and her leader spoke right and did left, carried out the policy of the other camp, and at the same time behaved in a stupid, corrupt and outrageous manner. Therefore, for many good people who have indeed become sober, the components of the current coalition are unacceptable for marriage.

"Speak right and do left." Netanyahu visiting the Tze'elim base, photo: Haim Tzach, GPO

The results can be seen in the polls, especially in the rise of the Gantz party. This is natural but foolish, because when it came to policy vis-à-vis Gaza, Hamas, Hezbollah and Abu Mazen, there was no difference between Netanyahu, Gantz and Eisenkot, let alone Lapid.

The opposition to the demands to uproot Hamas, the concept of bribery with Qatari money and workers, the shameful capitulation to Hezbollah on the eve of the last elections, and not to forget the cultivation of the Palestinian enemy in the West Bank in the spirit of Oslo and the disengagement – all belong to those who are supposed to symbolize the great alternative today. What does this mean for those who shape our future the day after – God forbid?

Twilight period

When exactly the day after will take place is a question that will be asked with increasing intensity in the coming weeks. The battle picture will determine the political-social starting line, which will be different from the starting line on the ground. In fact, if and when Hamas's organizational backbone is shattered, most of the rocket fire stops, and part of the reserve army is liberated, we will enter a long twilight period of routine war.

Smash Hamas' organizational backbone. Sinwar in front of his supporters in Gaza, Photo: GettyImages

We will still be far from full surrender and shaping the future reality in Gaza, and the same applies to Hezbollah and the Palestinian Authority. Therefore, the formal investigation of the October 7 apocalypse should be delayed, so as not to harm the fighting determination of the military-intelligence echelon. But we will have to do the moral-political calculus. First of all, because reality will produce increasing international pressures, such that our current War Cabinet, with all its components, will not withstand for long.

Ceasefires, diesel fuel and gasoline, crushing enemy hospital outposts, funding supporters of the murderers from Ramallah and nurturing them as an alternative to government in the south. Not to mention crushing dilemmas about the price of releasing hostages.

Soon we will need determination and strength in line with the spirit of the people. These will require tension and even confrontation with the American administration, along with facing increasing threats from Arab countries with which we ostensibly have peace, especially Jordan and Egypt.

Who exactly is expected to fend off these pressures – Netanyahu's leaf? Lt. Gen. Aryeh Deri? The partners in the Gantz and Eisenkot concept?

At the same time, fundamental disagreements are already emerging regarding what is being done today, not to mention the vision for rebuilding the state and society.

For example, the conflict over the designation of coalition funds. Indeed, there is a lot of populism and slander, because some of the funds classified as coalitions go to worthy national purposes – for example, the budget of Orit Strock's Ministry of Settlements, which is an important component in rebuilding the envelope.

Minister Yitzhak Goldknopf touring the kibbutzim in the envelope, photo: uncredited

But when it comes to the ultra-Orthodox sector, institutions and religious services, a change in priorities is already needed. For example, stating that those who don't send their 18-year-olds now to recruitment offices and battlefields don't receive budgets. No obligations - no rights.

Revival of the Freedom Movement

Thus, the day after is already knocking at our gate, requiring an ideological and political overhaul, and most political actors have to draw conclusions and change their ways or step aside. It is clear that on the far left there are those who have not internalized anything – see Merav Michaeli's blood libel against the settlers and Yair Lapid's declarations of loyalty to Abbas. But even those who call themselves the state camp must do some soul-searching and clear repentance, one that we have not received until now.

At the same time, Netanyahu's Likud is disqualified from leading. This is more than a generation that they have implemented a concept and practice that has nothing to do with their ideological outlook and that of Zionism, from Jabotinsky's iron wall to Ben-Gurion's policy.

Without derogating from the responsibility of senior military and intelligence officials, the failure, the omission, the blindness and the conception were made possible because the Likud and its satellites were reluctant to implement their principles. They devoted themselves to worship and admiration for the man - Benjamin Netanyahu, whose personality and actions are undoubtedly a major culprit in the catastrophe.

Therefore, the time has come for the revival of the Herut movement on the basis of the proven principles of Jabotinsky's teachings and the revival movement. Precisely in the line of those who saw reality as it was and therefore opposed the Oslo Accords, the disengagement, the Jibril and Shalit deals, the morach vis-à-vis Hamas and the Palestinian Authority.

It's time to see reality clearly. Defense Minister Yoav Galant assessing the operational situation at the Southern Command, photo: Ariel Hermony, Ministry of Defense

And it is interesting that anyone who adheres to this line, who has equal mouth, heart and actions, is now outside the Likud and the October 7 coalition. From Gideon Saar to Naftali Bennett, from Ayelet Shaked to Avigdor Lieberman. They and others must establish political bodies that will establish an ideological and electoral home for many who have become disillusioned with the flawed goods of the "center-left" and the conduct of Netanyahu and his dwarf committee. Those who once again pull the iron wall out of the Boydam, but supported the jelly wall of the revered leader.

In practice, Sa'ar's party was already on its way out of its partnership with Gantz and Eisenkot on the eve of the war on clear ideological grounds, on its way to establishing an independent party. It is likely that soon a storm will storm the disillusioned crowd. Bennett and Shaked have distinguished themselves from Netanyahu and his path for years, presenting a clear national alternative. Lieberman will be strengthened by the consistent positions he has presented against the concept.

Bennett and Shaked // Photo: Jonathan Zindel,

Already soon they and others will be required to lead us against the spineless at the top, among other things against the return of the concept of strengthening the Arafati terror authority. Please don't get confused, the day after is actually already with us. Now we need a path, a political map and a new leadership.

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Source: israelhayom

All news articles on 2023-11-09

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