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Opinion | The landlord doesn't go crazy | Israel Hayom


Highlights: Israel has always been characterized by the syndrome of settling for "our half," writes Israel Hayom. "My Half" syndrome and its consequences are already here," he says. Hayom: The decision makers thought they would get quiet thanks to the entry of workers from Gaza. "This is a murderous culture in which the extermination of the Jews is part of its identity and essence," he writes. "The landlord has gone crazy, and from now on he shouts: It's all mine," Hayom says.

Israel has always been characterized by a syndrome of settling for half, compared to its enemies, who persisted in screaming their lies loudly, in blood and fire. Has the concept collapsed? We need to change tactics

Many said a "landlord went crazy" response was needed, but we're far from there. Perhaps the mind needs to be fixed in order to change the tactics.

A famous Talmudic issue establishes a basic rule in the field of property in the event of an argument. If two hold a tallit, one says "it's all mine" and another says "my half," the first gets three quarters and the second settles for only a quarter.

Israel has always been characterized by the syndrome of settling for "our half," as opposed to its enemies who persisted in screaming their lies loudly, in blood and fire: it is all ours. There is no plan to divide the land between Jews and Arabs in the last hundred years that our enemies have not rejected, mostly in blood and fire. When they made noises as if they were compromising on half like us, it turned out to be a diversionary exercise, an intermediate stage on the way to "all mine."

Although we are in the midst of a war whose end is far away, "My Half" syndrome and its consequences are already here. In the international system, the two-state idea is flourishing again, based on the mistaken assumption that there are imaginary Palestinians who are ostensibly satisfied with "my half." The supporters of Oslo and its designers, among us are quick to answer Amen, and are already babbling the idea in Hebrew and English. Veterans of the security establishment, former veterans who shaped the basic concepts that collapsed, are already being recruited to reserve duty in the planning division for designing the day after.

But what is needed now is to fundamentally destroy the "My Half" syndrome, and in every relevant area and subject to make it clear that the landlord has gone crazy, and from now on he shouts: It's all mine! Let it be said immediately: there is no illusion here that we will achieve all or the majority. Even on the Talmudic issue, my entire argument does not achieve everything, but at least it is useful for establishing the existing half and does not remain with a quarter. Here are just a few demonstrations, just for the purpose of brainstorming that will lead towards the new principled line:

It must be made clear and demand that the vast majority of Gaza's population not remain in place. Contrary to what is claimed by Oslo enthusiasts, most of the population in Gaza does not want only security and quiet. Describing the population as being controlled against its will by Hamas is nonsense. The mother who is happy to hear her son who murdered Jews with his own hands is not "uninvolved." The decision makers thought they would get quiet thanks to the entry of workers from Gaza, but some of them were nothing more than intelligence agents in planning the massacre. This is a murderous culture in which the extermination of the Jews is part of its identity and essence. Now it has become clear, horrifyingly, that the barbaric, brutal and sadistic nature of the execution was also greeted in the streets of Gaza with jubilation. It must be made clear: this population will not remain near us in its form and scope. Not with another regime and not under the invented supervision of an international format - they are all ideas from the old world.

With all due respect to Egypt as an important player (and there is not even an ounce of respect), Egypt and the international system must be reminded loudly that all murderous weapons came through them, under their eyes wide closed, through the Philadelphi route.

Contrary to what is claimed by Oslo enthusiasts, most of the population in Gaza does not want only security and quiet. Describing the population as being controlled against its will by Hamas is nonsense. The mother who is happy to hear her son who murdered Jews with his own hands is not "uninvolved."

There is no justification for the unequivocal demand to open the crossings and start planning refugee camps in northern Sinai with international assistance. Their obvious opposition does not free us from devoting much effort in this direction, without over-fear, which has brought us to the situation as if it were just our problem. It must become the problem of everyone around us, and Egypt is the first to deserve it.

And a final example to illustrate: after the Munich massacre, it was decided to eliminate all those involved wherever they were found. Hamas representatives are currently sitting in countries around the world. Why didn't we hear on the news that the body of the tortured Hamas representative was found here, and that the corpse of the man with the suit was discovered there?

We are still far from broadcasting that the landlord has gone crazy.

The murderous environment that surrounds us will believe that the landlord has indeed gone crazy if, among other things that need to be changed, he broadcasts the perception: It's all mine!

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Source: israelhayom

All news articles on 2023-11-08

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