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Opinion | Outline of the Day After | Israel Hayom


Highlights: The Palestinian Authority suffered a governmental failure in Gaza, and was expelled from it in 2007 by Hamas. There is no reason for it to accept Gaza on the backs of IDF soldiers. Jordan, Egypt and Saudi Arabia have a political-security interest in bringing stability to Gaza. The Saudis will add an economic dimension to the efforts to rebuild the Gaza Strip, and even a dimension of moderate Islam. The education system must be under the international force and under Israeli supervision. A return to old theories and conceptions could lead Israel to the brink of the next disaster.

The Palestinian Authority suffered a governmental failure in Gaza, and was expelled from it in 2007 by Hamas, even though it also supports terrorism. There is no reason for it to accept Gaza on the backs of IDF soldiers

Any discussion of the design of the Gaza Strip at the end of the campaign, as long as its goals have not been achieved and the sword of the ceasefire is raised, is empty. However, due to the extensive preoccupation with the subject, it is possible to draw general and preliminary outlines, through which it will be possible to act in the future.

Since the government's starting point is security control over Gaza, rather than direct control or settlement, a model should be formulated in which the burden of care for Gaza and its residents is divided between regional and international actors:

Security control similar to Area B in Judea and Samaria: Israel must have a presence on the ground for three main reasons: supervision of the civilian population in the initial stages after the occupation of the Gaza Strip; supervision of disarmament; Preventing the formation of terrorist cells or renewing the smuggling industry.

International Inspection Force: An effective supervisory force should be assembled that includes American, European, Jordanian, Egyptian, and Saudi representatives. It is his responsibility to assist Israel in demilitarizing the Gaza Strip and establishing an initial civilian regime that will come into direct contact with the residents. This rule will not be the responsibility of Israel, but of the supervisory power. In doing so, Israel will remove any responsibility involved in economic investment or that has long-term consequences, such as electricity production, water supply, and infrastructure treatment.

Why Jordan, Egypt and Saudi Arabia? Because, alongside the constant patronage that the first two attribute to themselves regarding the Palestinian issue, they have a political-security interest in bringing stability to Gaza. This interest is linked to their desire to prevent violent and religious outbreaks at home over the Palestinian issue. The Saudis will add an economic dimension to the efforts to rebuild the Gaza Strip, and even a dimension of moderate Islam. Israel should insist that Qatar not receive official status in the supervisory force because it harbors Hamas' political leadership and finances the terrorist organization's civilian and military apparatuses.

A new regime in Gaza: A new government establishment must be created on the ruins of Hamas's murderous terrorist regime and a constitution must be established for it. In addition, the old and corrupt centers of power in Gaza must be dismantled in order to give the new establishment stable ground for consolidating its rule. Among other things, this means that Fatah elements, i.e., the mechanisms of the Palestinian Authority, should not be brought into Gaza or given control of the Gaza Strip to Mahmoud Abbas or any of his proxies, since the PA was a governmental failure in Gaza and was expelled from it in 2007 by Hamas (after losing the elections the previous year); And because there is no reason why the PA, which itself supports and educates the path of terrorism, should accept Gaza on the backs of IDF soldiers.

Religion: Since 2018, Qatar has been Hamas' main funder in Gaza. Alongside it, and in lower numbers, Turkey occupies a place of honor. These are two countries hostile to Israel, which must not accept humanitarian or religious responsibility for Gaza, and certainly must act against their involvement in Judea, Samaria and Jerusalem. For this reason, Israel must work with the multinational force, especially its Arab presence, to moderate religious extremism.

An effective oversight force should be assembled, including American, European, Jordanian, Egyptian, and Saudi representatives. It is his responsibility to assist Israel in demilitarizing the Gaza Strip and establishing an initial civilian regime that will come into direct contact with the residents

Education reform: one of the important points in the outline. Any effort to rehabilitate the Gaza Strip and create a reality free of Islamic-jihadist terrorism must include reforming the Palestinian education system. No more camps and summer camps of terror and textbooks that educate for the murder of Israelis. They also exist in the PA and Gaza and operate with UNRWA's assistance. The education system should be under the responsibility of the international force and under Israeli supervision.

Beyond any recommendations discussed by the current or future Israeli government, it is important to examine the roots of the failure and disconnect from pre-October 7 mindsets. A return to old theories and conceptions could lead Israel to the brink of the next disaster. This is even more true when Israel faces an even more serious threat in the north than in the south.

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Source: israelhayom

All news articles on 2023-11-13

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