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For the UCA, unemployment jumped to 14.2%, but it could be higher if people went out to look for work


The impact of the pandemic and the quarantine on the world of work led to many people not even going out to look for an activity.

12/03/2020 17:00

  • Clarí

  • Economy

Updated 12/03/2020 17:00

In one year, unemployment

rose from 10.6% to 14.2%


But the decrease in the possibility of

finding a job

led a large part of the unemployed to a situation of

discouragement in the search for employment

, which is why, largely due to the effect of the pandemic and quarantine,

 the participation of the population in the labor market

and the number of jobs available.

For this reason, "if this discouragement effect had not been generated, unemployment would have increased

to levels close to 27.3%,

" says the Observatory Report.

For this reason, the director of the Observatory of Social Debt of the UCA, Agustín Salvia, points out that “the current crisis generated a

significant loss of jobs,

producing more unemployment and greater job discouragement.

This situation reduced the real labor income of the households, especially for the informal and poorer sectors, but also for the formal or quasi-informal lower middle classes. "

As Salvia observes, "the situation produced a new increase in

income poverty, multidimensional poverty and structural poverty

- the poor by income and with 3 or more basic social deprivations. Social programs and direct food assistance compensated a Part of this deterioration, but they were not enough, nor did they seem to be sustainable ”.

Although the "discouragement effect generated a change in the composition of the labor market that cushioned or concealed the deterioration of the labor situation", the Report states that "in 2010 only 43.6% of the economically active population had full employment of rights, while 27.4% had a precarious job, 14.8% unstable underemployment, doing trades, temporary or unpaid jobs, or being beneficiaries of paid employment programs and 14.2% were unemployed. ”.

Salvia concludes that “the country has been falling for more than half a century and now it seems to us that it is hitting rock bottom, but everything can always be worse and the fall continues.

It is useless to blame the pandemic, which has aggravated the crisis and made it more visible.

Hence a necessary question: "what is the way out?"

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Source: clarin

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