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The UIA will go to court to defend the labor reform promoted by the Government


Highlights: The UIA will go to court to defend the labor reform promoted by the Government. The Group of Six of Córdoba had also expressed its support. A court had granted the CGT's claim to stop the changes established by the DNU. Only 6 million people have formal employment in Argentina, which represents "almost 50% of unregistered workers," indicates the UIA. The UIA highlights that these changes "have a particular impact on small and medium-sized industries and promote the creation of white jobs"

The Group of Six of Córdoba had also expressed its support. A court had granted the CGT's claim to stop the changes established by the DNU.

The Argentine Industrial Union (UIA) will appear in court to

support the labor reform that the Government included in the DNU.

With this they face the CGT and the CTA, the workers' confederations that have already obtained court rulings to stop the changes.

The UIA resolved that it will be

"amicus curiae"

for the suspension of the modernization of labor legislation in the cases presented by the union centers.

"The UIA considers that the proposed modernization of labor legislation adapts to the new employment realities," they said in a statement.

For the entity,

"the proposed reforms lay the foundations for new hiring to be simpler

and more sustainable, once the economic recovery materializes.

In this way, the UIA will make a presentation in line with the judicial proposal that the Group of Six (G6) of Córdoba had made last night, which raised an extraordinary appeal

before the National Chamber of Labor Appeals of CABA

in the case. that suspended the validity of Title IV of Labor Reform of DNU 70/23.

In this way, they requested their incorporation into the judicial process as interested third parties and

asked the Supreme Court of Justice to revoke the decision of the Labor Chamber,

leaving the ordered precautionary measure void.

Among other reasons

, they stated that the business parties should be heard as much as the unions

before making decisions about the validity and validity of the labor standards contained in the DNU.

The G6 brings together the Grain Exchange, the Stock Exchange, the Chamber of Commerce, the Chamber of Foreign Trade, the Commercial Federation and the Industrial Union, all entities of Córdoba, with the support of that province's delegation of the Chamber. Construction Argentina.

The UIA highlights that these changes "

have a particular impact on small and medium-sized industries and promote the creation of white jobs."

Only 6 million people have formal employment in Argentina, which represents

"almost 50% of unregistered workers

," indicates the UIA.

In its labor chapter, the DNU establishes, among other reforms,

the elimination of fines for poor registration of work activity,

the updating of the fine regime to reduce the judicialization of conflicts and the modification in the system for calculating the capitalization of interests in the labor failures.

Additionally, the UIA understands that

these changes drive the promotion of dynamic collective bargaining

and productivity incentives.

Source: clarin

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