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A phenomenon in the north: residents stay in their homes and receive eviction fees - voila! Of money


Highlights: A phenomenon in the north: residents stay in their homes and receive eviction fees - voila! Of money. Residents in Kibbutz Adamit and Arab El Aramsha refuse to evacuate their homes when they receive high eviction fees. In the kib butz they even receive food intended for the emergency classes: "life threatening" Hezbollah fired an anti-tank missile at a house in Moshav Avivim/documentation on social networks according to Section 27 A of the Copyright Law.

Residents in Kibbutz Adamit and Arab El Aramsha refuse to evacuate their homes when they receive high eviction fees, and in the kibbutz they even receive food intended for the emergency classes: "life threatening"

Hezbollah fired an anti-tank missile at a house in Moshav Avivim/documentation on social networks according to Section 27 A of the Copyright Law

A message was published yesterday on the WhatsApp of Kibbutz Adamit, which is located next to the border fence with Lebanon: "Hello to all the residents who are in Adamit. Until 4:45 pm there is a distribution of dry goods in the garden. You are welcome to take."

On normal days, it is possible that no one would dwell on her.

But when the entire settlement is evacuated by these orders, for fear of injury to human life, and the only people who are supposed to hang around there are the members of the standby squad and the army forces deployed in the kibbutz, distributing dry food to the residents sounds strange, not to mention unimaginable.

It turns out that about 12 of the residents of Adamit not only refuse to evacuate their homes, despite the real risk to their lives, they receive evacuation fees from the National Insurance, known as "occupancy fees" in the amount of NIS 200 per adult per day for over three months, and also food from the state, which, as it turns out, is provided to the class standby

Admit Junction, October 11, 2023/Yoav Itiel

Naomi Bekur, the director of the community in Adami, is helpless.

"On October 8, the Home Front Command advised us to evacuate the kibbutz, and almost everyone left," she said in an interview with 104.5FM Radio North.

"On October 16, we received an official general order to evacuate Adamit. 12 members refuse to evacuate, and unfortunately, the State of Israel is not doing anything with those who remained.

"Not only do the army and the standby squad have to protect civilians, those who remain in their homes still receive full payment from insurance Leumi, does that make sense?

If you get money and food, then why leave the house.

I transferred lists to the National Insurance and nothing happens.

"Even in the kibbutz there are people who no matter what you tell them, they will do what they want. There is no one to fight with. Where is the State of Israel? You recommend not to be here, ask us to give them dry food and still pay them social security? Why? I passed lists to whoever I could, nobody does anything about it."

What do they do there all day?

"Some of them are at home, some of them are walking around. You understand the meaning of someone who walks the dog during an event and needs to secure it. When there is an event and they don't answer the phone, you have to go to their home and check what's going on with them. It's a nuisance and it's a risk to life.

"The record, that we have to share They have food through our council. It is not possible that the HML people who work in an abnormal way around the clock and hardly sleep, have to take care of the people who walk around the area. The distribution of food is ridiculous. What is this thing?"

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National Insurance is not aware of the incident and promises to take care of it.

Officials in the Ministry of Defense told Wala, there is no forced evacuation.

What is certain is that the state should deny them the "occupancy fee" and even open criminal proceedings against them for false reporting and certainly not take care of their food.

Irresponsible citizens should not endanger others.

Even in Arab El Armasha, near the fence, there are residents who refuse to evacuate, despite a general's order to evacuate the settlement.

At the request of Moshe Davidovitch, the chairman of the Line of Conflict Forum, the Ministry of Defense issued a letter in Hebrew and Arabic to the 1,300 residents who

refuse to evacuate.

"We would like to clarify that eligibility for an independent housing grant is conditional on eviction from the settlement and any action contrary to the above is illegal


Therefore, staying in your homes endangers your life and also constitutes an obstacle to receiving the grant from the National Insurance."

  • More on the same topic:

  • Adamite

  • War of Iron Swords

  • Gaza war

  • evacuation

  • Compensation

Source: walla

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