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Appeal to the State Comptroller: "Fear of food shortage during an emergency" - voila! Of money


Highlights: Appeal to the State Comptroller: "Fear of food shortage during an emergency" - voila! Of money. "Approximately 72% of the packaged food in Israel is of local Israeli production" The organization warns that "for the last two decades, the food industry has been dealing with a preference for imports" The State of Israel is an island country, surrounded by enemies, which cannot rely on food imports in significant volumes in times of emergency Protracted", due, among other things, to the danger of closing ports.

The Food Industries Association contacted the State Comptroller and asked him to examine the emergency food production and supply: "a systemic failure in preparedness, no adjustments were made to the emergency stock"

The control of food prices/spokesperson of the State Comptroller

The Food Industries Association contacted the State Comptroller, Matanyahu Engelman, and asked him to open an investigation into the state's ability to ensure the continued production and supply of local food during an emergency.

According to the request of the Director of the Food Industries Association, Aviv Hatzbani, and asked him to start an investigation that will examine the issue and lead to the creation of a clear policy.

In the union's appeal, examples of systemic failures in the field of food security from the civil, security and economic aspects were given, and it was noted that in Israel there is a "systemic failure in preparing for various emergency scenarios and in ensuring food safety and the continuity of the supply of food products. For example, no adjustment was made in the scope of the emergency stock for the raw materials for the food industry."

In the civil sphere, the plans to evacuate the citizens on the conflict lines will not curtail the needs of continued food production in agriculture and industry located in those areas, while evacuating them to distant geographical areas.

In the security field, the contradiction between the recruitment of critical workers in the industry and reserves for an extended period of time on the one hand, was not considered, nor was the effect of the mobilization of physical resources (such as trucks) on the distribution chains considered.

In the economic field, the Israeli food industry relied on thousands of Palestinian workers when no systematic policy was established regarding the prohibition of their entry on the one hand, and also after three months no policy was established for the immediate, medium and long term regarding the acute need for an alternative.

Empty shelves in the supermarket.

"Approximately 72% of the packaged food in Israel is of local Israeli production"/documentation on social networks according to Section 27 A of the Copyright Law

The organization warns that "for the last two decades, the food industry has been dealing with a preference for imports, while there is a systemic failure to prepare for various emergency scenarios and to ensure food security and the continuity of the supply of food products. The State of Israel is an island country, surrounded by enemies, which cannot rely on food imports in significant volumes in times of emergency Protracted", due, among other things, to the danger of closing ports and stopping the arrival of ships delivering goods from abroad.

"Currently, approximately 72% of the packaged food in Israel is of local Israeli production, which allows the local food industry to face almost an operational challenge to ensure the continuity of the supply of food products.

To the extent that the scope of food imports was at a rate of 50%, this could lead to the closure of local food factories and a reduction in their output, while posing a real risk to food security in Israel and our ability to ensure the needs of the economy during an emergency.

Therefore, in all fields, the State of Israel must define a long-term strategic goal for maintaining and developing independent food production capabilities to the extent of at least 75%."

Director of the Food Industries Association of the Federation of Manufacturers, Aviv Hatzbani, said that "we should not continue with the 'next door' culture.

The government must determine an orderly and efficient strategy and policy in the field of food security.

The preparation and readiness of the State of Israel to ensure food security for its residents during an emergency must be examined as soon as possible."

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Source: walla

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