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ROMAIN GIRBAL, co-founder of IB2: “Industry can rhyme with ecology”


Highlights: IB2 is revolutionizing the aluminum industry by transforming poor quality bauxite into a high grade ore. Co-founder Romain Girbal: “Industry can rhyme with ecology’ The company has already attracted many countries such as China... and the future looks bright for IB2, says Girbal. “I see IB2 as a pioneer and leader in reducing the environmental impact of the industry’s long-term goals,” he says. For young entrepreneurs looking to engage in green initiatives, Girbal advises to stay at the forefront of innovation.

After several years of research led by leading chemist Yves Occello, IB2 is revolutionizing the aluminum industry by transforming poor quality bauxite into a high grade ore. A unique process in the world which has already attracted many countries such as China...

Can you explain to us what makes the IB2 process unique?

Romain Girbal: IB2 stands out for its unique approach in the transformation of low-grade bauxite into high-grade bauxite which will then be refined to become alumina and then aluminum.

Our process, developed in collaboration with world-renowned experts like Yves Occello, uses a less energy-intensive and more ecological method, which is essential in the current context of climate crisis.

The icing on the cake for our refiner customers: costs reduced by at least 40% thanks to the high-grade bauxite that we produce on site.

Our customers no longer need to import high-grade bauxite from Guinea or Australia.

Using local bauxite is therefore virtuous for the ecology because imports consume CO2 with the use of trucks and boats over thousands of kilometers.

What impact does your technology have on reducing waste like red sludge?

Romain Girbal: It is considerable.

The IB2 process makes it possible to reduce the toxic production of red mud per tonne of alumina produced by 67%.

It also reduces the use of water and caustic soda by more than 80%. Better yet, IB2 contributes to a circular economy.

While the extraction of alumina is optimized from an environmental point of view, the second positive effect is that IB2's technology makes it possible to create a co-product: tobermorite.

This calcium silicate is the main constituent of a new generation green cement that we produce with half the CO2 emissions of conventional cement.

And that's not all !

In a ton of tobermorite, we can trap 350 kilos of CO2 through a technology that allows “carbonization”.

These are major ecological advances that are easily observable and quantifiable.

What motivated your choice to collaborate with Liulin Senze Coal Aluminum in China?

Romain Girbal: Liulin Senze Coal Aluminum in China welcomed us with open arms.

IB2 removes a huge thorn in their side by allowing them to no longer have to import high-grade bauxite which is very expensive.

This is a problem that concerns around forty of our potential clients around the world.

Breaking out of this impasse allows them to be much more profitable and regain economic sovereignty.

The choice of this partnership is also based on the alignment of our ecological objectives and the common ambition to transform the industry.

These partnerships are concrete proof of how international cooperation can lead to significant advances in the field of industrial ecology.

Contrary to popular belief, China is therefore aware of the ecological challenge...

Romain Girbal: China has positioned itself as a leader in the ecological transition, by investing massively in green technologies and implementing ambitious policies to reduce carbon emissions.

This proactive approach is a model for the rest of the world.

Western countries can learn from China in terms of environmental policy and green technology adoption.

Their commitment to a more sustainable industry demonstrates that a rapid and effective ecological transition is not only possible but also profitable.

Apart from China, do you have other markets in sight?

Romain Girbal: Saudi Arabia, Turkey and even Kazakhstan are already attracted by the IB2 process which will in any case be essential to them if they want to make savings in production costs.

With China, these three countries represent 50% of global aluminum production.

And as IB2 technology is unique, we are fortunate to have no competitors on the market and as a result, we will become essential.

The future looks bright for IB2…

Romain Girbal: In any case, all the indicators are green.

In the decades to come, I see IB2 as a pioneer and leader in reducing the environmental impact of the industry.

Our long-term goals are ambitious: we not only want to minimize the negative impacts of the industry but also create positive solutions that actively contribute to a more sustainable future.

This involves going beyond simply reducing emissions and waste, by working to create industrial processes that are inherently beneficial to the environment.

It’s a certainty: now industry can rhyme with ecology.

Is the ecological transition a source of opportunity for young entrepreneurs?

Romain Girbal: This is my deep conviction.

My experience in finance in London provided me with a unique perspective on risk-taking and business strategy.

For young entrepreneurs looking to engage in green initiatives, my advice is to stay at the forefront of innovation, deeply understand current environmental challenges and develop solutions that combine economic viability and ecological impact.

It is important to combine these two aspects because doing ecology while losing money would be economic nonsense.

Of course, our customers are attracted by the ecological aspect but the savings of 40% in production costs that we allow them to achieve is also a major argument.

This really is what we call a win-win deal.

It’s still quite a challenge with a lot of constraints…

Romain Girbal: You know, constraints are inevitable in the world of entrepreneurship, which is what makes it so interesting.

I would like to encourage young business leaders to see the ecological transition not as a burden, but as an opportunity for growth and innovation.

The biggest lesson I've learned as an entrepreneur in the green tech industry is that sustainability and profitability are not mutually exclusive.

In fact, they reinforce each other.

Businesses that adopt sustainable practices are better positioned to thrive in the long term.

It’s time for all industries to take bold, innovative steps to build a better future for our children.

Source: lefigaro

All business articles on 2024-01-25

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