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Domestic workers: the Government still has not convened the Council to update salaries


Highlights: The last salary increase was in December. December passed, January passed and the Government did not convene the National Commission on Work in Private Homes that should define the minimum wage for the first quarter of 2024. According to INDEC Reports, Private Houses staff number 1.7 million, but less than 500,000 are registered. The Association of Domestic and Allied Workers (ATHA) proposes that an urgent and immediate increase be made in the minimum remunerations of the different professional categories of the activity to compensate for the effects of the recent devaluation of the national currency.

The Council should define the increases for the first quarter. The last salary increase was in December.

December passed, January passed and the Government did not convene the National Commission on Work in Private Homes that

should define the minimum wage for the first quarter of 2024,

despite the claim of the different union associations that make up the Commission.

The previous meeting was held on September 29 and established the

minimum salary scale for October, November and December


For example, for December, the largest category, which is the provision of cleaning, washing, ironing, maintenance, preparation and cooking of meals and, in general, all other typical household tasks, was set at

$1,416.50 per hourly and $173,758 monthly

for retired staff.

According to INDEC Reports, Private Houses staff

number 1.7 million

, but less than 500,000 are registered.

According to the Association of Domestic and Allied Workers (ATHA),

during 2023 the staff increases were 154%

versus an inflation of 211.4%: it represents a loss of 18.4%.

Added to this is the additional deterioration due to inflation in January, February and March, which could be around 75%.


salaries did not register any official increase.

For these reasons, in addition to its urgent call, ATHA proposes

that an urgent and immediate increase be made

in the minimum remunerations of the different professional categories of the activity to compensate for the effects of the recent devaluation of the national currency, the inflation of 2023 and the estimated one for the months of January and February 2024.

Furthermore, taking into account the increase in public passenger transport fares, they demand that an

additional mandatory

and remunerative per diem be established for each day actually worked.

They also demand that a national control and inspection

campaign be developed and implemented, through the competent state agencies (AFIP, ANSES, etc.)

aimed at the labor and pension regularization of the more than 1.1 million paid workers. of the household who currently provide tasks informally, as well as reestablishing the figure of the “

presumptive domestic employer

” established in 2013 and which was repealed in 2016.


Source: clarin

All business articles on 2024-02-02

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