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The country has been impoverished and the government behaves as if we have already won - voila! Of money


Highlights: The country has been impoverished and the government behaves as if we have already won - voila! of money. Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich and Internal Security Minister Itamar Ben Gabir are an insurmountable obstacle in the Netanyahu government. The situation is only getting worse and the treasury officials are gradually abandoning it. While the officials leave, Netanyahu finds it difficult to say goodbye to the two clowns. He allows two to abuse us. And Benny Gantz doesn't come and doesn't ring the bell. Well, his patent populism is his patent "On the knees of the chicken"

The government conducts itself as if the war had already ended in a great victory, but in the state of the economy and society, the transfer of the management of the state's economy to a special committee should be considered

On video: Ministers Ben Gabir, Vassalof and Krei dance with the crowd at the settlement conference in Gaza tonight 01.28.24/without

Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich and Internal Security Minister Itamar Ben Gabir are an insurmountable obstacle in the Netanyahu government on the way to strengthening our internal and global strength.

The situation is only getting worse and the treasury officials are gradually abandoning it.

Without headlines and noise, Itai Temkin, deputy commissioner of budgets, retired this week.

This is one of the high-quality office holders who activated the refuge chair because he could not put up with the sloppy way in which Semtorich conducts himself with the state budget.

With Ben Gabir the situation is much worse and the rate of resignations from his office is even higher than the rate of murders in Arab society.

While the officials leave, Netanyahu finds it difficult to say goodbye to the two clowns just as there is no way he will say goodbye to his wife.

He allows two to abuse us.

And Benny Gantz doesn't come and doesn't ring the bell.

Particularly painful is the economic and political sphere where people act as if the war is behind us.

In the security field, they still continue to cover up the disdain with stupid slogans like 'together we will win' and clichés that it is time to do a "recall".

According to all the polls, the people want elections, but Bibi is afraid that elections will permanently remove him from the political map.

When there is no responsible adult around to save us from ourselves and in the absence of elections, maybe a committee called the state's economy will save us.

The settlement conference this week.

The current deficit is not enough, so Smotrich volunteered to govern Gaza/Flash 90, Chaim Goldberg

When the Chairman of the Economic Council, Prof. Avi Simhon, mocks the international credit rating companies, and when the recommendations of the Governor, Prof. Amir Yaron, are ignored, it is time to appoint an economic probation officer to Smotrich

. They talked about the stretcher and the equality of carrying the burden. The shock of Netanyahu and Smotrich's line forced them to make promises about the generosity of a charity organization, but they are no longer able or willing to keep it.

Smotrich pledged to withhold funds that do not contribute to the war effort. At the event for the appointment of the project leader Tal Basachs (who has since resigned) He pledged: "We will not break the 5% deficit threshold.

We will behave responsibly." But political survival is stronger than him, and with four mandates in the polls, the promises were thrown into the trash.

In the "Disparities Report" submitted to the Knesset in December, the deficit increased to 5.9% of GDP.

Since then it has swelled and in the 2024 budget it will reach 6.6% of the GDP and in the worst case it will soar to scary dimensions of 7%-8%.

And what about coalition funds that are certainly not for the war effort?

And what about closing offices?

Here Smotrich did a perfect flip-flop: the Minister of Finance now demands that NIS 5.7 billion of these be included in the 2024 budget base so that they become a nail without a head: after knocking, it will not be possible to take them out.

In doing so, he violates the basic budget law and only for political reasons does not bring his approval to the Knesset.

The explanation he gave for the change in his position was amazing: "The coalition funds campaign is cheap populism. In the end, it all comes down to some 100-200-300 million shekels for ultra-Orthodox education. This debate was with us before the war, will be with us after the war and has nothing to do with the war. I refuse to submit to populism."

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The Israeli company that invented hair removers does it again

In collaboration with Epilady

Netanyahu and Smotrich.

A good time to renovate the private pool in Caesarea/photo processing, Haim Tzach/L.A.M

And regarding the closing of the offices, he went further this week when he claimed that the handling of the issue by the opposition contributes to the strengthening of Sinwar.

Well populism is his registered patent.

"On the knees of the chicken" is a term that has already been applied to the 2024 budget, but this week it became clear that there is no bottom to the pit.

The Minister of Finance wishes to include as a budgetary source NIS 3 billion from the Palestinian Authority's funds that were frozen by his order.

For this it is said that you killed and inherited.

President Biden is freaking out.

The "passenger tax" intended to increase revenues from electric vehicles was removed from the budget and will be transferred to a normal legislative procedure.

And maybe Netanyahu believes in his mouthful that "there is enough money for everyone" and therefore no taxes are needed.

As revealed in "Haaretz", the renovation of the Imperial Pool in Caesarea continued during the war, and the discussions on the funding of the dormitories and the expenses of maintaining the family did not stop either.

This week, Smotrich outdid himself and as if the court in The Hague was not enough for him, he explained without confusion and in a messianic tone why Gaza must be returned and its residents treated through a civilian government.

All this is happening because Netanyahu is trembling not because of the blessed winter but because his partners are afraid of discussing the question of "the day after".

It is not clear where the billions will come from to treat the residents of the Gaza Strip, which will fall on our responsibility.

And it is possible that the Minister of Finance believes that a deficit of 6.6% of GDP is still low and should be increased to 8% and perhaps to 9%.

Why not?

Netanyahu depends on Smotrich like a baby attached to its mother's milk and does not restrain it


And that's not the end because politics will play overtime until the elections for local authorities on February 27.

With a promiscuous economy, a crazy gathering of Ben Gabir and the right-wing leaders in Netanyahu's silence, the coalition behaves as if the war is behind us and the image of victory was celebrated in the nation's buildings in Jerusalem.

But when this is done when our brave soldiers are still wallowing in the mud of Gaza and we are all wallowing in the economic mud.

"The day after" is here.

It's time for elections.

  • More on the same topic:

  • government

  • coalition

  • the state budget

  • a cut

  • Benjamin Netanyahu

  • Bezalel Smotrich

Source: walla

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