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Artificial intelligence, an opportunity for the ecological transition?


Highlights: Artificial intelligence, an opportunity for the ecological transition?. The two technological revolutions that are coming have strictly opposite, and yet necessary, effects. Let's start with the green revolution, which aims to “decarbonize” the economy. However, it should be noted that it is much less fruitful than traditional technological revolutions, those which have driven growth since the birth of modern capitalism, such as the invention of the automobile. The other, artificial intelligence, is seen as a threat even though it offers great hopes for growth and income.

The two technological revolutions that are coming have strictly opposite, and yet necessary, effects. Francis' chronicle

Curiously, the two technological revolutions which are shaking up the economy have, in France, an inverted image compared to their reality.

One, the ecological transition, is considered favorable and creates jobs, while it causes productivity to fall.

The other, artificial intelligence, is seen as a threat even though it offers great hopes for growth and income.

Let's start with the green revolution, which aims to “decarbonize” the economy.

No doubt about its imperative necessity.

However, it should be noted that it is much less fruitful than traditional technological revolutions, those which have driven growth since the birth of modern capitalism, such as the invention of the automobile.


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Source: leparis

All business articles on 2024-02-18

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