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“Have you seen how many people are here?” : Edward, the prince who didn't like handshakes


Saturday September 17, Prince Edward enjoyed a walkabout near Buckingham Palace. If he discussed for a long time with the English people, the latter appeared very little tactile.

Since his accession to the throne of England, King Charles III has repeatedly played the card of proximity with his fans.

He was seen going to meet his supporters, shaking hands or taking photos.

An attitude far removed from that of his youngest brother, Prince Edward, who has often been seen with his hands joined behind his back.

On Saturday September 17, the youngest son of Queen Elizabeth II, wanted to get in touch with the English people posted around Buckingham Palace, but seemed very little touched.

Read alsoWill Prince Charles refuse a title of nobility to his brother Edward?

Since then, a video of him has gone viral on social media.

He appears there discussing with the public, but refusing physical contact.

“Listen, I would like to shake your hand, but have you seen how many people are here?

She (

her hand, editor’s note

) would fall, but thank you for your support”, we then hear him justify himself.

"Maybe he has a phobia," one user wrote in a comment on Twitter.

“Imagine queuing to see it and being treated like trash,” another commented.

Unlike her husband, Sophie de Wessex, who accompanied her that day, had bet on a different approach, not being asked to kiss the crowd and accept the bouquets of flowers stretched out towards her.

In video, Charles III and Prince William give themselves a surprise walkabout to greet the public in the queue

Fortunately, Prince Edward was able to count on the support of many Internet users, judging his attitude anecdotal.

“He chose to meet and chat with people, good for him.

He is clearly not comfortable with the handshake, but it is not obligatory!”, wrote a user on Twitter, as reported by

The Mirror


And another to add: “Edward is there to greet people, to be friendly and to thank them for being there.

Why is this not enough?

Some people just don't like to be touched."



This Monday, September 19, on the occasion of the Queen's funeral, which took place at Westminster Abbey, in London, Prince Edward and Sophie of Wessex could not hide their emotion.

Faced with sadness, the father of Lady Louise and James, took out a handkerchief to wipe away his tears.

A gesture that moved England.

Source: lefigaro

All life articles on 2022-09-19

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