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Worry, a word that has totally changed meaning


What definition of "worry" is given in our first dictionaries? A meaning very far from that of today ...

What did worry mean?

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: Restlessness of mind, impatience caused by some passion.

It is said not only of the soul, but of the body.

She has concerns with her legs, ”writes Madame de Sévigné.

This was surely due to some swarming idea ... Since this definition by Father Féraud, taken from the Diction (n) critical area of ​​the French language published in 1787, we have certainly less the itchy legs than the head swarming with worry.

What is the origin of the word worry?

It must be recognized that


itches and irritates because it agitates.

It actually derives its origin from the Low Latin





will also become, in the fifteenth century, a feeling that troubles the mind.

In the 16th century, Montaigne thus assimilated it without hesitation to a state of anxiety, irresolution, even perplexity.

In fact, until the end of the seventeenth century,


stirred to the point of preventing any rest.

Read also Meat, a word that has changed meaning

As Montfleury testifies in

La Dame Médecin

, a comedy performed for the first time in January 1678, the


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Source: lefigaro

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