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Are our politicians too old? | Israel Hayom


Highlights: Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell froze in the middle of a press conference. The incident has sparked debate over whether there should be a mandatory retirement age for politicians. Some countries already have such laws, as artificial intelligence engines ChatGPT and Forefront tell us. In Malaysia, the constitution sets an age limit for political officeholders. In Japan, age restrictions are imposed on both civil servants and politicians to foster intergenerational representation and prevent the concentration of power among older officials. In the Philippines, the Constitution imposes an agelimit on senators and representatives.

The incident in which the chairman of the Senate Republican froze in the middle of a press conference raises the question of whether it is time for laws establishing a mandatory retirement age for politicians

Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell "froze" tonight in the middle of a press conference. This incident, along with President Joe Biden's recent tendency to become confused in his speech, has once again sparked debates about whether, alongside the laws that dictate a minimum age for running for political office (25 for the House of Representatives, 30 for the Senate, and 35 for the president), there is also a need for laws that set a maximum age for serving in these positions. This debate is not the first of its kind, and some countries already have such laws, as the artificial intelligence engines ChatGPT and Forefront tell us:


In Malaysia, the constitution sets an age limit for political officeholders. According to Article 43 of the Federal Constitution, a person cannot be appointed prime minister if he is 70 years of age or older. This provision was introduced in 1991 to ensure that the country's leadership remains dynamic, and to encourage the emergence of younger political leaders.


Several states in India have imposed age restrictions on the governor's office. For example, in states like Karnataka and Media Pradesh, governors can't be over 75. The logic behind such restrictions is to ensure that the country's leadership remains flexible and connected to the evolving needs of its citizens.


In the Philippines, the Constitution imposes an age limit on senators and representatives. To be eligible for these positions, the candidate must be at least 35 years old, and no older than 65, on Election Day. The goal is to strike a balance between the need for experienced legislators and the desire to gain new perspectives in the legislative branch.


In Japan, age restrictions are imposed on both civil servants and politicians to foster intergenerational representation and prevent the concentration of power among older officials. The National Service Law states that civil servants, including politicians, must retire at the age of 65. This age limit is intended to encourage the promotion of younger talent and ensure a continuous flow of fresh perspectives in public service.


Germany has a mandatory retirement age for certain political positions. The Federal Constitutional Court ruled in 2011 that judges on the Federal Constitutional Court must retire at age 68. The ruling has sparked debate over whether similar age limits should be applied to other political offices.


Singapore's constitution sets a maximum age limit of 70 for presidents. This restriction is intended to ensure that the president can carry out his duties effectively, while avoiding potential health concerns related to advanced age.

Age restrictions in politics are designed to prevent veteran politicians from entrenching themselves in their positions, to allow young leaders to become entrenched, and thus to create systems of government that are constantly refreshed and renewed.

On the other hand, they claim that they are arbitrary, since there are older politicians who can still contribute a lot and are in excellent health. Moreover, forcing healthy politicians to quit may prevent the system from relying on their vast experience.

In countries where there are no age limits, candidates of advanced age may encounter questions on the subject during their campaigns, and even public and media criticism. Presidents Trump and Biden have both faced claims that they are too old, and at the very least they should present to the public doctors' statements declaring their fitness for office.

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Source: israelhayom

All news articles on 2023-07-27

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