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Opinion | Don't Beat Golani | Israel Hayom


Highlights: Oren Ben Hakon: "I feel this morning that the fallen fighters are my own soldiers, that I lost in battle" The key in the Golani Brigade is communication and the belief in commanders to lead people into battle, he says. "No man is jealous of his son and his student," he adds. "We have known difficult crises in the past - and we have risen from them," he writes. "The pain today is great, but Golani is a strong brigade. It will continue to march and be at the forefront of the fighting"

The pain today is great, but Golani is a strong brigade • It will continue to march, lead and be the spearhead of the fighting • We have known difficult crises in the past - and we have risen from them

If they ask me what my affiliation is, first of all it's Golani. I was in the civil service for 40 years, but without a doubt the highlight was the service in the Golani Brigade. We succeeded there in creating a convergence of spirit, belonging and a sense of togetherness, this is in the DNA of the brigade. It is no coincidence that in all of Israel's wars, and even in the periods between the wars, Golani always stood in the most difficult places, where she was needed. Whether it's in special operations or the release of hostages in Entebbe, through cross-border raids in the War of Attrition to the conquest of Mount Hermon.

Special Documentation: Hand-to-hand Combat in the Heart of Shejaiya | IDF Spokesperson

The brown beret has always been a family affair for us. Our generation joined, then the generation of boys came and fought too, and now it's the grandchildren. This family is almost genetic. The key in the Golani Brigade is communication and the belief in commanders to lead people into battle. Transporting fighters on the battlefield is a complex matter, and there is a real belief that persuades soldiers to go into the unknown – from which it is also possible not to return.

Belief in commanders is a supreme value and is a product of the same quality communication: In the Golani you don't talk to the people, but to the people. This is the big difference and from it the unique "togetherness" of the brigade is created.

IDF fighters' activity in the Gaza Strip, photo: IDF Spokesperson

I feel this morning that the fallen fighters are my own soldiers, that I lost in battle. The sense of identification is complete. I feel like it's my family. During my condolence visit to Gadi Eizenkot this week, I remembered and was filled with pride how he and Gabi Ashkenazi asked for my help in the days after the Second Lebanon War. Gadi was my soldier and young officer, as was Gabi Ashkenazi. The friendship and mutual help of Golani officers and commanders throughout the generations is within us, and enlistment requires that you take pride in helping your former subordinates. "No man is jealous of his son and his student."

Tradition Preserved: Generations of Golanchiks

It is no coincidence that our life path leaves us in friendship with those who fought with us. One of those killed, Col. Yitzhak Ben Basht, was the son of Rafi Ben Basat from Neve Tzuf - a soldier of mine in the Sayeret during the War of Attrition. His uncle, Prof. Moshe Ben Bassat, was a soldier of mine when I was a company commander in Battalion 51.

And another thing that is important from a moral point of view in the Golani: In the Golani we always knew that everyone is the same - there is no difference between Ashkenazi and Mizrahi, kibbutznik and urban, leftist or right-wing. The Golani Brigade is a representative cross-section of Israeli society at its best.

Funeral ceremony of Lt. Col. Tomer Greenberg, photo: Oren Ben Hakon

The pain today is great, but Golani is a strong brigade. It will continue to march, lead and be at the forefront of the fighting. We have known severe crises in the past: dozens killed in the Six-Day War, dozens killed in the Yom Kippur War, in the Lebanon wars, at the Beaufort outpost - and where not. When the State of Israel needed fierce fighters on the front line – that's where Golani was. And we will continue on this path, it is a commandment.

Commander of Battalion 13, Lt. Col. Tomer, Photo: Oren Cohen

On this day, I strengthen not only the bereaved families, but also the entire brigade. Today, the grandchildren of my generation bear the burden of defending the homeland. We knew it would come. Our sons have done it before, too, and before that, so have we. The 13th Battalion, which had just been dealt a heavy blow, grew out of it the best men. Starting with Maj. Gen. Avraham Yaffe, Maj. Gen. Amir Dror, Brig. Gen. Yehuda Golan, and Maj. Gen. Menachem Einan, Ilan Biran and Moshe Kaplinsky, the best commanders passed through Golani in general, and Battalion 13 in particular. A magnificent human cut.

I am proud to belong to this brigade. Our home knows that no matter what role I played, on this difficult day I embrace, encourage as much as possible, and trust that the Golani Brigade will meet all its missions.

The writer served as head of Military Intelligence, General of the Southern Command and commander of the Golani Brigade

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Source: israelhayom

All news articles on 2023-12-14

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