The Limited Times

The Sabion of the Negev Israel today

2/22/2023, 8:08:04 AM

Omar competes with Sabion in the same breath. Standard of living and socio-economic level among the highest in Israel. These days, after years, a very unusual tender is being published in the Israeli landscape, which includes a golf complex in an area of ​​about 800 dunams, an Olympic-level restoration inspired by the most prestigious golf communities in the world

In the power relations of the state of Tel Aviv vis-à-vis the Negev, this seems less logical: how two settlements in the country ranked in the top decile compete head to head - one is Savion in the heart of Gush Dan, while on the other hand, the settlement of Omer, in the heart of the Negev.

It seems that if we moved Omer to the center of the country, it would overnight become the most expensive and sought-after settlement in the country.

In fact, the conditions for the opening of Omar are inferior from the beginning: neighborly relations with the Bedouins, the paucity of jobs compared to the center of the country, and sleepy tourism.

These days the settlement of Omer, led by the head of the council Fini Badash, is preparing to play the cards and everyone's eyes are directed in one direction only: after many years of waiting for a tender from the Israel Land Authority and the Ministry of Tourism, the tender for the construction of an Olympic golf course on an area of ​​approximately 800 dunams was recently announced in the industrial park.

This is a very unusual tender in the Israeli landscape, which includes a golf complex that will include the lease of a plot of land for the construction of 200 rural hotel units, which will boost Omar to an international level, befitting a settlement that is reminiscent of Savion and Caesarea.

NEXT building, a new office building in the Omer business park, photo: Carmel Nir

Today, the high-tech park in Omer receives tremendous demand from Israeli and international high-tech enterprises and companies, and the estimates are that the auction will also arouse great interest among entrepreneurs, companies and investors of their kind.

The establishment of the golf course in Omer is inspired by the most prestigious golf communities in the world.

It is expected to be built at an Olympic level and will be required to meet the standards of international competitions, it will contain 18 holes, at a distance ranging from 90 meters to 600 meters from the starting position to the end of the course.

Golf courses, like in many cities in the world, bring along with them luxury residences and luxury golf tourism.

Over the past 20 years, the number of golf courses has doubled and there are an estimated 33,000 golf courses worldwide, and over 50 million golfers.

The value of the golf industry in the United States alone is estimated at over 60 billion dollars.

Karnia B'Omer building, photo: Carmel Nir

Building on tourism

The comfortable weather in Omer allows golfing all year round, unlike what happens in the prestigious settlement of Caesarea.

The golf courses will be part of the industrial park in Omer, which covers a total area of ​​about 3,200 dunams, where additional construction is possible to the extent of about 350,000 square meters intended for the continued development of an advanced and clean high-tech industry in the settlement combining culture, tourism and leisure. This is in addition to about 110,000 m "R" that are built today.

At the moment, the construction of three luxurious high-tech buildings with a scope of 15,000 square meters each is being completed, and another 4 buildings whose construction has begun.

The archaeological garden in the Omer Industrial Park, photo: Carmel Nir

The industrial park in Omer, under the management of Nissim Nir, where about 4,000 cars are parked every day, also includes the plan to build the Olympic golf course on an area of ​​land of about 800 dunams, as mentioned, and a hotel that will be built in a rustic style and surrounded by about 4,000 dunams of forestry around.

At the heart of the high-tech park lies an archaeological garden that covers 300 dunams.

An event at the tourist lake in the settlement of Omer, photo: Carmel Nir

A scenic lake spanning 18 dunams was established in the complex, intended for leisure, recreation and boating and decorated with a musical fountain.

Around it, in advanced planning stages, will be developed 12 restaurants and cafes, an avenue of art booths, a prestigious tourist commercial center, a congress center, a boardwalk, camping areas and cycling routes, and next to the lake a hotel of 70 rooms will be built for the benefit of high-tech people.

Another potential for new golf enthusiasts are the 10,000 permanent personnel from the high-tech IT and intelligence corps who are expected to work every day right next to the new Kiryat Hamodiin.

The settlement will offer them a new hobby.

Omer in the center prices The success formula

 of the Yishuv is that the council does everything on its own, even projects worth hundreds of millions of shekels, and does not wait for the roof agreements.

Long before the popular roof agreements, in 1993 during the Rabin government, a roof agreement was drawn up regarding the distribution of infrastructure.

Today, the head of the council Omer Fini Badash has many years of experience, by virtue of being the head of the council since 1990, which is an advantage in his familiarity with all the local residents and the special needs of the settlement, as well as his familiarity with government offices, budgets, bureaucracy and everything that is required to bring a project to fruition, from the idea stage until the film is cut.

The settlement of Omer boasts an excellent education system from infancy to high school, an innovative high-tech park, a sportstech with an innovative and unique ninja facility, a soccer field, a modern basketball hall, tennis courts, cat-foot and basketball courts, a cultural center that also functions as a cinema, theater, club High-quality for the elderly, an independent purification institute that recycles drinking-grade water and dozens of other projects that improve the quality of life of the residents.

The result of all this is ultimately embodied in the housing prices so that the prices of the villas in Omer are on a sharp rise.

Here is a deal that was signed very recently and indicates the transformation of the settlement of Omer into the Negev's "Sabion": an old house to be demolished on a 600 square meter lot was sold for NIS 4.5 million and a new 5-room house on a 600 square meter lot was sold for NIS 7 million .

The area of ​​jurisdiction of the Omer local council covers approximately 18,500 dunams.

36 plots of two dunams are ready for marketing, with the goal being that a third of the plots will be sold to local residents.

The price of a one-dunam lot in Omer is currently marketed on the free market for an amount exceeding NIS 4 million.

At the same time, the local council is working intensively to add 500 housing units, intended mainly for the permanent servants and local residents.

This is an absurd situation.

Because, on the one hand, the council and the state want to encourage young families and the entry of permanent people, but on the other hand, without assistance from the state, what military man or young couple will be able to buy or build a house in the settlement at today's market prices?

In recent days, Badash has been holding marathon meetings with the Israel Land Authority, IT and intelligence representatives, and the director of the KMG regarding the establishment of a military neighborhood of 300-400 houses.

The permanent staff, according to the advanced plan, will not have to use a car to get to the base, instead, bicycle paths will be developed that will lead them directly there, a short distance away.

"The cost of a lot must be subsidized," says Badash, "we are not asking the Treasury to take it out of the state budget, but rather that the state receive less for the lots.

Soon there will also be a meeting with the Prime Minister, the Chief of Staff and the Minister of Defense to prevent regulars from moving to the center, and to work to keep them and their families in the south."

And if you refuse?

"I am unequivocally announcing that our condition for depositing the settlement expansion plan is an agreement to establish a military neighborhood and another 30% of the houses for locals.

If there is an agreement, the plan will be deposited.

Without the agreement, the expansion will be canceled and Omer will remain at its current size.

It is not possible that the state will not help the families of military personnel who want to move here, a short walk from the new Military District in the Negev.'

Strong without Baron

Omer is a settlement in socioeconomic status 10, without state budgets and running from his independent income only, 40% of the income from the high-tech park.

There are about 9,000 residents in the settlement, and about 4,000 workers in the high-tech park.

The enrollment percentage in high school is 100% and the settlement has 650 dunams of intensive gardening, and 25 parks.

Against the backdrop of the anarchy taking place in the Negev, the settlement of Omar is fenced and secured, with 3 entrances, two of which are closed at night and the third entrance remains controlled.

There is also a municipal hotline that operates alongside a sophisticated camera array and patrol vehicles with armed guards 24/7.

"There is no protection here either," notes Badash.

"We do not allow these phenomena to approach the settlement.

Today the level of crime here is very low when the council spends 5% of the budget on security.

Omar behaves like in Caesarea," continues Badash, "only there is no baron helping from the side.

The self-development leaves the council with handsome profits, and the relative independence enables the use of profits for the benefit of the residents.

This is how we established a gymboree club with a swimming pool for toddlers, a ninja complex, the construction of a third sports hall, an accessible garden, a high school covering 60 dunams, internal and independent religious services, and a neighborhood for the elderly with private houses of 80 square meters was built Built with a garden of 150 square meters.

Boxa: Community with 9,000 members

For most residents of the State of Israel, the combination of the words "quality of life" does not immediately associate with living in the Negev, but in the settlement of Omer things look different.

Along with advanced public and educational buildings, the residents of Omer also enjoy extensive cultural activities, for all ages: subsidized trips for pensioners, three sports halls, active youth movements within the settlement such as Karambo's Wings, Scouts, Bnei Akiva, and joint activities for children with seniors.

The streets, paths and public areas remain clean thanks to a caring population that keeps up with the cleanliness and council services, which include trash removal four times a week and tree trimmings removal three times a week.

The Yishuv's library, covering an area of ​​500 square meters, is very popular with the residents, some of whom also "sin" in writing. Entire shelves are full of books written by the residents of Omer themselves, which indicates, among other things, the qualities of the human material.

Although the settlement has thousands of residents, it still manages to maintain its communal character and significant community gatherings are held there, such as joint plantings on the Sabbath, Shavuot ceremonies, community Shabbat, artists' open houses and many activities for parents and children.

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