The Limited Times

Opinion | The Wars of Jews and Israelis | Israel Hayom

10/4/2023, 7:41:55 PM

Highlights: After the signing of the Abraham Accords, interest in the Arab world in what is happening in Israel increased. The Arab world was less familiar with the composition of Israeli society, but since the establishment of the current government, it has become familiar with it and is very interested. The struggle in Israel is between the Israelis, the people of Tel Aviv, the high-tech and the security and liberal businesses, and the Jewish settlers who are trying to control every piece of land between the Mediterranean Sea and the Jordan River. Israel is the only country in the world that grants its citizenship on religious grounds only.

In the Arab world, it is believed that this is not one homogeneous people, but rather a community that gathered from all over the world and decided to establish a state, and that there is no connection between a new immigrant from Ethiopia and a new immigrant from France

After the signing of the Abraham Accords, interest in the Arab world in what is happening in Israel increased significantly. At first, the interest focused on the economic and academic spheres, because it is known in the Arab world that the issue of security has nothing to do with the common man, for known reasons, and that it is a rather sensitive issue.

The Arab world was less familiar with the composition of Israeli society, but since the establishment of the current government, and the outbreak of protests against the legal reform, it has become familiar with it and is very interested.

Many news reports and opinion articles, including articles written in this section, have been translated into Arabic, mainly by Palestinians familiar with Hebrew, and distributed to tens and hundreds of thousands of subscribers in the Arab world.

In the eyes of the Arab world, what is happening in Israel today is part of the continued takeover of the extreme right-wing wing, which believes in Greater Israel, opposes not only a Palestinian state but any non-Jewish presence in Israel. In other words, those who brought about the establishment of the current government.

Many in the Arab world see that the struggle today in Israel is between the Israelis, the people of Tel Aviv, the high-tech and the security and liberal businesses, and the people of the world, and the Jewish settlers who are trying to control every piece of land between the Mediterranean Sea and the Jordan River, especially in the territories, and expel the Arabs from it.

The attempt to crack the struggle currently taking place in Israel raises quite a few questions in the Arab world, among other things that it is a stubborn and difficult struggle, part of the problem with which is that it is not one homogeneous people, but rather a community that gathered from all over the world and decided to establish a state with the help of world powers, and there is no line connecting a new immigrant from Ethiopia to a new immigrant from Russia, France or the United States.

Quite a few accusations are directed against the Zionist movement, which insisted on gathering exiles but failed, and in practice, if this connection exists, then it is a religious connection rather than a social or cultural one.

Quite a bit of criticism in the Arab world is directed against Israel as a Jewish state and as a regime, and there are those who see the struggle today between opponents or supporters of legal reform as an inevitable clash, and if legal reform was not the trigger for this clash then there would be other reasons. Especially when Israel is the only country in the world that grants its citizenship on religious grounds only, unlike all other countries in the world, democratic or not.

Quite a bit of criticism in the Arab world is directed against Israel as a Jewish state and as a regime, and there are those who see the struggle today between opponents or supporters of legal reform as an inevitable clash, and if legal reform was not the trigger for this clash then there would be other reasons

Many in the Arab world are convinced that Israel will become a third world country, or weaken – not in the security sphere but in the regime sphere, after the reform passes and the government controls the judicial system, the media and any body that can criticize it, and even succeeds in removing minorities from the Knesset.

Many see that Israel's weakening is not a question of if, but when, and it is a matter of a few years. On the one hand, this will prevent the establishment of a Palestinian state due to the right-wing takeover of the government and the continued construction of settlements for the benefit of the Jews in the territories, and on the other hand, it will hasten and assist the establishment of a bi-national state, in which many "Israelis" will not want to continue living. They will not find themselves continuing to live in this country, which is why they hold foreign passports.

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