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Florida Governor Ron DeSantis on Judea and Samaria: "This is not occupied territory" | Exclusive Interview with Israel Hayom | Israel Hayom


Highlights: Florida Governor and Republican presidential candidate Ron DeSantis talks with our envoy, Ariel Kahane, about the struggle against Iran. He calls Biden's attitude toward Israel a "disgrace" and talks about Prime Minister Netanyahu's not being invited to the White House. The full interview - tomorrow on the website and in the newspaper "Israel Hayom". "Judea and Samaria are not occupied territory, but disputed territory. Israel has the best argument for the future of the territory, and it has the right to act accordingly," he says.

He calls Biden's attitude toward Israel a "disgrace" and talks about Prime Minister Netanyahu's not being invited to the White House • Florida governor and candidate for the Republican presidential nomination talks with our envoy, Ariel Kahane, about the struggle against Iran, the war in Ukraine and the competition with China • The full interview - tomorrow on the website and in the newspaper "Israel Hayom"

"Judea and Samaria are not occupied territory, but disputed territory. Israel has the best argument for the future of the territory, and it has the right to act accordingly," Florida Governor and Republican presidential candidate Ron DeSantis said in an exclusive interview with Israel Hayom on Thursday.

In his first exclusive interview with Israeli media, DeSantis lashed out at US President Joe Biden for his treatment of Israel – which he called a "disgrace" – and accused the incumbent administration of "bending Israel's hand."

Ron DeSantis in an exclusive interview with Israel Hayom

"It doesn't work to be nice to Iran"

"I don't think the president is really committed to keeping the U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem," DeSantis said, adding, "I think he believes in the 67 borders. But with us, Jerusalem will remain the indivisible capital of Israel of the Jewish people. For me, it's very clear."

If and when she becomes president, will you support the application of Israeli sovereignty over parts of Judea and Samaria?

"I have always disagreed with the assertion that Judea and Samaria are occupied territory. These are the richest and most historically important areas for the Jewish people, dating back to Biblical times. Yes, there was a partition plan in the 40s, but the Arabs rejected it and decided to go to war. So this is not occupied territory, but disputed territory."

Prime Minister Netanyahu and DeSantis during his visit to Israel, photo: Office of the Governor of Florida

"The Israeli arguments for possession of the territory outweigh any other argument. I was the first important elected official to hold public events in Judea and Samaria. I did so in 2019 as governor at Ariel University. When we impose sanctions on organizations that promote BDS, it is also because they act against Jews in Judea and Samaria. For example, when an economic website tried to use BDS in its recommendations on where to invest in a way that reflects social and environmental justice (ESG), we told it that under no circumstances would it pass in Florida."

So what will happen if Israel applies its sovereignty over parts of Judea and Samaria?

"I think Israel has the strongest arguments regarding Judea and Samaria. I don't think it's occupied territory. This is disputed territory and Israel has the right to act accordingly."

Our correspondent Ariel Kahane interviews Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, Photo: C.B. Lorch

In the interview, DeSantis attacks the Biden administration for its policy on Iran ("They only understand power, being nice with the Iranians just doesn't work"), talks about its attitude toward anti-Israel currents in the United States, details its position on Ukraine, China's rising power, the United States' position in the Middle East and around the world, its attitude toward abortion, and many other issues on the agenda in Israel and around the world.

The full and exclusive interview will be published tomorrow on the website and in the newspaper "Israel Hayom".

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Source: israelhayom

All news articles on 2023-06-22

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