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Opinion | "Plan of the Century" for the Day After | Israel Hayom


Highlights: The Oslo Accords are the source of Israel's strategic mishap vis-à-vis the Arabs in Israel. We can no longer accept Nazi organizations like Hamas and Hezbollah on our borders. We must effectively and formally block any way of military connection between Arab self-government and the Arab-Muslim world from the east. The application of Israeli law to the Jordan Valley should be promoted, as proposed in the Deal of the Century. If you find it a mistake, you'll find it in a mistake.

We must not accept a PA army that advocates ethnic cleansing of Jews • This army that the Americans have trained may attack Israeli communities in the Sharon and Samaria when appropriate

Many rightly assert that the perception underlying the Oslo Accords is the long-term strategic root of the October 7 atrocity and the ongoing murder spree that began in the early <>s. But the vast majority of the Oslo initiators were wrong and believed in good faith – and some still mistakenly believe – that the agreements serve the interests of the state and Zionism at its heart.

Only a few acted out of anti-Zionist malice, and they are a negligible group. Therefore, it is not in order to blame that we need to discuss the assertion that the Oslo Accords are the source of Israel's strategic mishap vis-à-vis the Arabs in Israel. An analysis of the damage caused by Oslo is necessary for the future, in order to clarify our path both during the war and at the end of the war.

The immediate conclusion is that we can no longer accept Nazi organizations like Hamas and Hezbollah on our borders. It is our duty to ourselves to wage a preventive war against them, now and in the future, not to wait until another October 7 or to rely on the alert of our forces and intelligence alertness. It is human nature that at some point alert and intelligence can fail.

A second conclusion is that we cannot continue to accept the development of murder underground, and even fairly overt murder gangs in Samaria, Judea and Gaza, such as those that operated until they were suppressed in Operation Defensive Shield, and returned to operate after we tired of their oppression. It requires gang suppression, such as Defensive Shield, which was the successful one that Arik Sharon commanded in the Gaza Strip in the early 70s. But it must be continuous and consistent, without illusions of "deterrence" and cooperation with "moderates." The PA's "assistance" to the IDF and Shin Bet before and after Defensive Shield was nothing more than a trap of poisonous honey. IDF and Shin Bet commanders suffered from self-deception.

One cannot expect reliable assistance from an entity that educates for the destruction of the Jewish people and pays allowances to murderers according to the number of their murders. A third conclusion is that we can no longer accept a "strong Palestinian police," which is essentially an army in the hands of an entity like the Palestinian Authority, which advocates ethnic cleansing, murder and expulsion of Jews from the country.

Not only because of murders by these "policemen," not only because the PA funds terrorism with allowances, but because this army that the Americans have trained is liable to attack Israeli communities in the Sharon and Samaria when appropriate. This means that we must move from the stage of containment of the damage caused by the Oslo Accords to the stage of their practical cancellation.

Let the Palestinian Authority perish and offer the Arabs there demilitarized self-government. It is necessary to effectively and formally block any way of military connection between Arab self-government and the Arab-Muslim world from the east

This is a broad political conclusion, not just an operational conclusion with political implications. The signal for this was given in the "deal of the century" that Netanyahu formulated in cooperation with officials in the Trump administration. This plan was eventually thwarted by other elements in the administration, who preferred an agreement with the Gulf states. The foreign and defense ministers at the time, Gantz and Ashkenazi, representatives of the security establishment that is unable to extricate itself from the "Oslo concept," also failed. And the settlers' representatives failed. They opposed the borders drawn in the plan (even though they were open to changes), and opposed the very idea of Arab self-government in Samaria and Judea (without an army and control over its borders), which could be considered a "state-minus." But if we want to dismantle the threat posed by the Palestinian Authority, a viable political plan of demilitarization and partial application of the law is required.

Let the Palestinian Authority perish and offer the Arabs there demilitarized self-government. We must effectively and formally block any way of military ties between Arab self-government and the Arab-Muslim world from the east.

Therefore, the application of Israeli law to the Jordan Valley should be promoted, as proposed in the Deal of the Century. The Jordan Valley is the Philadelphi Route on steroids, and just as it was a disaster to abandon it during the Disengagement, it is essential to ensure the Israeliness of the Jordan Valley, and Israeli law must be applied to the settlement blocs. Defending Samaria also protects the Sharon. In the "day after" we must also dismantle the threat from Samaria and Judea. The "Plan of the Century" marked the way.

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Source: israelhayom

All news articles on 2023-12-10

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