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Freelancers in the world of culture and the stage will be entitled to unemployment benefits - Walla! culture


The Labor and Welfare Committee has approved an order that will allow unemployment benefits to be paid to freelancers in the world of culture in the technical or artistic field in audio-visual productions including photographers, technicians, illuminators, recorders, costume designers, dressers, make-up artists and production assistants. Itamar Avitan, CEO of ACT: "Today we made history"

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Freelancers in the world of culture and the stage will be entitled to unemployment benefits

The Labor and Welfare Committee has approved an order that will allow unemployment benefits to be paid to freelancers in the world of culture in the technical or artistic field in audio-visual productions including photographers, technicians, illuminators, recorders, costume designers, dressers, make-up artists and production assistants. Itamar Avitan, CEO of ACT: "Today we made history"

  • Unemployment benefits
  • Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs
  • Labor and Welfare Committee
  • Itzik Shmuli

Sagi Ben Nun

Monday, 24 August 2020, 12:23

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Edited by: Jordana Abodi-Fox

The Labor and Welfare Committee today (Monday) approved an order that will allow the payment of unemployment benefits to freelancers in the world of culture. The achievement is signed by the Minister of Labor and Welfare, Itzik Shmuli, and the Director General of the National Insurance Institute, Meir Spiegler, in cooperation with the committee's chairman Haim Katz and the Minister of Culture, Hili Trooper.

Pursuant to section 6 of the National Insurance Law, the Minister of Labor and Welfare, with the approval of the Labor and Welfare Committee, may stipulate in an order that insured persons engaged in a particular type of work or given special working conditions shall be considered self-employed or non-self-employed. The Minister of Labor and Welfare, Itzik Shmuli, has decided to expand the order to apply to professional staff in the technical or artistic field in audio-visual productions, including photographers, digital technicians, illuminators, recorders, boomers, costume designers, dressers, make-up artists, production assistants and more.

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To the full article

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The condition for recognizing a professional staff member as an employee is a prior agreement for a period of at least a quarter of a year or participation in at least five production days or participation in one series for at least three production days. After the order was approved today by the Labor and Welfare Committee, it was announced that the minister in front of me would sign the order immediately. The beginning of the order is supposed to be on September 1, it is supposed to apply to agreements signed from that date onwards, as well as to agreements signed earlier and meeting the conditions.

"Today we have made history," said Itamar Avitan, CEO of Akt, the film and television industry workers' union. "Thanks to a determined struggle we led, the freelancers who work in the world of culture will receive full unemployment benefits. These are thousands of photographers, illustrators, recorders, costume designers, make-up artists, production assistants who will receive unemployment benefits. I thank the Minister of Labor and Welfare, Itzik Shmuli, and the Director General of the National Insurance Institute, Meir Spiegler, for their mobilization, as well as the chairman of the Labor and Welfare Committee, Haim Katz, and the Minister of Culture, Hili Trooper, for his important cooperation. "

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Source: walla

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