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How the police managed to track down “Volrys”, the unsuspected genius of false papers


Highlights: How the police managed to track down ‘Volrys’, the unsuspected genius of false papers. Anthony P., 28 years old, was an engineer for an IT heavyweight, and lived with his cats and his disabled friend in a large ocher building. On April 3, 2023, police officers from Oltim, the central office for combating the smuggling of migrants, took over the scene. The 45 m2 accommodation is “dirty”, its furniture spartan, consisting only of a mattress placed on the floor.

On the other hand, Anthony P., 28 years old, was an engineer for an IT heavyweight, and lived with his cats and his disabled friend in a

The large ocher building is located in the city center, at the forefront of a roundabout whose noise interferes with conversations.

More than a heritage interest, the “1897” coat of arms which adorns the entrance door marks its declassification.

Those who live there seem to have been relegated there.

In mid-2022, Aurélien, 22, brought a little renewal by moving into the ground floor of this house in Valdoie, in the suburbs of Belfort.

“A nice kid,” his elderly neighbor said of him.

I never noticed anything.


Aurélien had the particularity of living with the shutters closed.

His lease was signed under a false name.

On April 3, 2023, police officers from Oltim, the central office for combating the smuggling of migrants, took over the scene.

The 45 m2 accommodation is “dirty”, its furniture spartan, consisting only of a mattress placed on the floor.

There isn't even a sofa, table or TV.


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Source: leparis

All tech articles on 2024-03-02

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