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AI Working its Way Further into the Design and Expression Process


2023 has proven itself to be the year of AI, with the technology breaking into the mainstream consciousness like never before. Though AI systems have been a core component of software since the early days, the visibility and capabilities of the new systems have come much closer to how the public defines artificial intelligence. Today, AI potential is making headways into design, in what many considered a formerly exclusive human domain. From the perspective of existing and established traditionally designed software, the perspective of AI’s coming contributions are immense, and they’re just getting started.

Changes to the Norm

For an illustration of just how far AI could break into design, we need to consider modern projects that have been the result of traditional design techniques. In this case, live blackjack games from online casinos illustrate a perfect encapsulation of physical and software elements combined, holding much potential for the future. Today, Live casino games like blackjack use real dealers who interact with players from all over the world, blending the realism of physical casinos with the convenience of at-home play. Available for mobiles and desktops, accessing such titles is easy and the range of tables on offer is broad. They also already leverage AI to an extent, with more potential use for AI to unlock in the future.

The AI of Today

Testing is one such area where simple AI is utilized in online casino game software, where AI programs can go through every potential response thousands of times faster than a human ever could. By taking this route, the human cost is significantly reduced, and unexpected errors and bugs are much easier to track down. From here, AI is also used to track active connections. Because AI systems are again much faster than humans, these security systems can better address suspicious connections and plug holes.

Reach and Customizability

The next level of AI reaches into the creative process, with significant implications for the future of appeal and reach. In physical goods, this is being tried by companies like Levi's, who are testing AI-generated clothing models to increase diversity and broaden their reach. This doesn’t just reduce the cost of hiring physical models, it can also leverage user data to provide examples of what a product would look like on somebody with a similar appearance to the customers.

Online casino live games could take this example a step further with real-time AI deepfake technology. Such systems could effectively override a dealer's real physical appearance with a look and voice better suited to each player. Thanks to dealers all maintaining a professional attitude, these changes might not even be noticed by many players until it’s mentioned directly.

Whether looking at creating text writing, image development, or real-time video manipulation, AI is going to affect every part of the coming generation of artistic development and expression. For creatives, models, casino players, or anyone else, the increasingly tapped potential of these systems will create a revolution never before seen. We're in for a shakeup, so let's just hope the machines are merciful. 

Source: limnews

All tech articles on 2023-03-28

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