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Urso, if trend does not change incentives for new car factories - Industry and Analysis


Highlights: Urso, if trend does not change incentives for new car factories - Industry and Analysis. The incentive plan for the automotive sector "is based on the belief that we absolutely must change course compared to what has happened in recent years" Urso: The first objective is in fact to stimulate the scrapping of highly polluting cars, the euro 0, 1, 2 and 3, which are still 25% of the fleet circulating in our country. The second objective - he said again - is to help above all families with low incomes, through a gradual system.

The incentive plan for the automotive sector "is based on the belief that we absolutely must change course compared to what has happened in recent years. (ANSA)

The incentive plan for the automotive sector "is based on the belief that we absolutely must change course compared to what has happened in recent years. If the trend does not change this year, despite the huge resources we are putting in place, we will allocate the additional resources of the Fund automotive exclusively to support our supply chain and to incentivize new production plants in our country".

Thus, according to what we learn, the Minister of Business and Made in Italy, Adolfo Urso, during the automotive discussion taking place at Mimit.

    "The new incentive plan for cars - continued Urso - goes in three converging directions: ecological, social and productive sustainability. The first objective is in fact to stimulate the scrapping of highly polluting cars, the euro 0, 1, 2 and 3, which are still 25% of the fleet circulating in our country. The second objective - he said again - is to help above all families with low incomes, through a gradual system which provides more significant benefits for families with ISEE up to 30 thousand euros. Finally , to incentivize production in our country which has drastically reduced in recent years, despite the incentives provided which have mainly gone, up to 80%, to cars produced in foreign factories, including Stellantis itself".

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Source: ansa

All tech articles on 2024-02-01

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